TBustah! profile picture


I've tried everything but talking to him! Help me tv show!

About Me

I'm Thomas. Yeah, that guy. I like games. I make videos. I'm kind of a big deal, jk. ;)I used to live in Yerington. I loved the town, but most of the people in it didn't really care for me. I graduated high school in 2006, then kinda just took a year off to get some stuff straightened out, since I couldn't in high school due to some crap I had to deal with, taking a few classes at the community college on the side.But that was then, and this is now! I moved to Carson City about a year ago, for a fresh start. I'm taking classes at WNC, and hopefully I can make time for and find work shortly. I've made a few friends, and I've found stuff to do. I still have my ups and my downs, but I think that for the most part, things have gotten better.Now I've got to try and make this year even better!And yes, Daniel is my brother. I guess I embarass him, because he refuses to accept me as a friend on here. :(

My Interests

Volkswagens, cars in general, anything cool from Japan, Computers, Video Games (Earthbound rulz!), and most recently.... SENTAI AND SLOT CARS!!!You might be here because you watch my videos, or read PSSV. That's cool, just don't drive me nuts with questions. ;)

I'd like to meet:

I guess the gang at mestephen.com would be interesting to hang out with in person. And maybe everybody at HMA, especially Moko and DD.Miyamoto, Itoi, and Tajiri. They're the original creators of some of my favorite game series. It'd also be cool to meet Toriyama and Aoyama, the creators of Dragon Ball and Detective Conan.It'd be pretty cool to meet Garrison Keilor, Steve Irwin, or Josh McDowell... again. I ran into Keilor at The Nugget after I saw one of his shows about 10 years ago, and I ended up sitting next to McDowell wihout even realising it at my mom's Biola reunion about 5 years ago. I didn't actually speak with Steve Irwin, but I got to see him at his zoo when I went down to Australia in the summer of 2006. He was sitting on the other side of the "Crocodile Colliseum", about 100 feet away. That's why I was more shocked than most when I heard that he had died two months later, especially since it wasn't one of the more dangerous animals that killed him, but one that had only been responsible for like 3 other recorded deaths in Australia's entire history.


Switchfoot, Chaba, Relient k, The Royal Gaurdsmen, The Beatles, The Eagles, The Protomen


UHF, BTTF trilogy, Love Bug Series, Flight of the Phoenix (the newer one's alright, but the old one was better. Actually, when my dad got his appendix taken out when he was 15, he shared a room at the hospital with a stunt pilot that was injured in the filming of the original movie!). National Treasure (both were good, but the first one was better and more beleivable), Cars, Case Closed: The Time Bombed Skyscraper.


The Bible, Shadow Divers, Flight of the Phoenix, Monster, Wounded Spirit, Dinosaur Summer.


Jesus, Mom and dad, Ronald Reagan, David Bazelon, and the new principal of my old high school, Mr. Gerald Ogolin.

My Blog

Following the Crowd

I know this is going to sound overly cliched, and afterschoolspecialish, but learned this weekend that just following the crowd isn't good.   Anyway, after hearing my classmates in tech go o...
Posted by TBustah! on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 04:57:00 PST

The good, the fat, and the stingray.

Those of you that know me know that I could stand to lose a few pounds. So, my dad offered me an "incentive" (in other words, a bribe) of my choice, if I lose 20 pounds over the summer. I decided...
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

La Paz

Leave it to my grandpa to be even more impulsive than my dad. He wants my me and my brother (you may know him by Drum Beat 23, his myspace username) to fly down to La Paz (on the b...
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Horror movies

Well, today was the first day of finals. I had spanish and 4th period PE (I had two periods of it this year). Since we had already done the finals for PE, he basically let us just sit around for the p...
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My crazy old man

My dad is 54, and he's old enough to have grandchildren by now, but that's not  that (relatively) old. But I'm beginning to wonder if that's not too young to be senile! He just came up to me 10 ...
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Summer job

Anyways, so the hospital my old man works at is hiring high school students to be sort of like traffic cops, to tell visitors where to go, and direct the paramedics to the ER room and stuff like that....
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

So, there's this girl..........

Note: I in advertedly deleted the original message here. To summarize for those of you that didn't read it, there is a freshman girl that asked me out. The thing is, I'm not sure if she's se...
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A guy, his Gameboy, and the village idiot.

This is a true story. *names have been changed to protect the (relatively) innocent. A couple months ago, I misplaced my most valued material possesion (next to my car), my special retro NES edition&...
Posted by TBustah! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST