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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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My Interests

Intellegent people, Gaming, Science, Camping, Art (except Chamber Music) Love Guns to shoot at targets with, prefer to shoot animals with camera, explosives cool also, fireworks, ATV's treasure adventure.

I'd like to meet:

People that are real and substaintial. Honest and unafraid.


Rock, Techno, House, Club, and occasionally RARELY Country. AC/DC, Def Lepard, Emenem, Evan Escense and much much,more...


Casablanca, Matrix, Blazzing Saddles, Alien 1,2,&3, 1st Star Wars, Dogs of War, and Big Fish, 28 DAYS and not (28 weeks),The Good Shepard, almost all Jonny Depp movies especially ninth gate. Fantastic four, lord of the rings...


4400, Battle Star Gallactica, Lost, CSI, and Regis & Kelly, CNN, $40.00 a day, Rome is awsome on HBO, SG1, I miss farscape and firefly.


Prophecy, all Derk Pitt adventures, Dean Koontz books, the Hobbit, Clive Cussler, Ken Follett, some Tom Clancy and I also enjoy reading Science text books and technical journals (wierd Huh).


Ghandi, Buddah, free thinkers. Drug addicts that overcame thier addiction and fat people that had the courage, determination and discipline to try and lose weight because they are valuable members of society and even if they fail they are even more like us than not.

My Blog

Familia es loco

Its amazing isn't it.  All the crazy stuff that goes on in most families.  I can imagine them sitting in their caves tossing rocks at each other just to get a rise out of a family member.&nb...
Posted by Gigantore on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:47:00 PST

When will it all end.

Is it too late for a change?  We residents of these United States take turns blaming the other party and vote in a new sucker every term unless we happen to be at odd/war with someone.  We n...
Posted by Gigantore on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:53:00 PST

Diary Of Dreams - Traumtänzer Live 2003 ...
Posted by Gigantore on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:27:00 PST

American tool belt

As another Memorial day comes and goes all thouights go to the American Military. (Hopefully) But what else should all people of these United States be thinking about.  In past decades people loo...
Posted by Gigantore on Sun, 25 May 2008 11:43:00 PST

Blessed silence.

Mid day. I go outside and I hear something I havent heard in quite a while.  No trucks or cars on the highway. No mowers, chain saws, no motorized sound.  At first is was spooky but then I r...
Posted by Gigantore on Sat, 24 May 2008 10:03:00 PST

Who gives a frack!

For those that enjoy BSG (Battle Star Gallactica) Scifi TV show. I applaud the use and encourage the use of the word Frack. Go frack yourself even feels good to say and yet It wouldn't bother me to fr...
Posted by Gigantore on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:53:00 PST

Senator Craig

I know everyone is chomping at the bit but you get my opinion anyway.  I really don't care if Senator Craig is Gay.  I don't really know or care what public restroom sex entails.  ...
Posted by Gigantore on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 11:37:00 PST

Still Pissing me off

When I was in the first Gulf War, I felt horrible about the way we left things.  Perhaps, I had some insight having children.  I certainly didn't want my children to grow up and have the hor...
Posted by Gigantore on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST

Important repost

Just in time for the time change, its as good as any time for a change.  Almost everyone who's anyone is saing wake up America.  You have been lied to and the truth is out there.  Time ...
Posted by Gigantore on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:07:00 PST

The stockmarket correction

For everyone taken by suprise by the recent losses on the Stock Market.  Ha, Ha, Ha, ...Ha, Ha.  Told you so!  One of the first clues you should have taken as a warning.  President...
Posted by Gigantore on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:56:00 PST