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I ask the questions here!
1. Your name(full, with birth date)
2. Your rank
3. Your number
4.Reason for being here.
5. Eye color
6. Hair color
7.Home country
8.Political affiliation
9.Favorite color(and shade of said color)
10.Favorite Knight of the Round Table
11. Favorite Roman Emperor
12. Favorite book
13. Are you human, cyborg, undead, or other
14.Would you harm 10 innocents to save 1000 innocents
15. What is your preferred language
16. Do you have pets(what are they)
17. Do you approve of The Inquisition
18. What is your Secret Name
19. Would you rather have tea or coffee
20. Have ever been or plan to be a pirate, ninja, or a weretiger
21. Are you afraid of any numbers
22. Are you a conspiracy nut
23. Are you planning on ruling any planets, or do you at least wish to, which one(s).
24. Who is the person asking these questions
Set 21. If you had a time machine, where would you go
2.What is the capital city of Tunisia
3.Do you like puppies and kittens
4.What is the distinction between a good act and an evil one
5 Are you paranoid
6 Is the Earth spherical, triangular, or a pyramid
7 How many spelling errors are in this test
8.Have you noticed that, even though these are questions, not one of them ends with a question mark?
9. Which one would you rather meet, a hostile extraterrestrial or a real live zombie?
10. Do you answer with truth?
11. Are black cats unlucky?
12. What is my middle name?
13. Is the number 13 unlucky?
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13$$$$$$$^^^^^^^^$$$$$$$$$$
1. What does this^ make you think of?
2. Does it look more like a mongoose or a bust of Caesar Augustus?
3. Do you think the above Question is nonsense?
4. Are you aware that if you said yes to the above question, you are insane?
5. Blueberry pie or strawberry pie?
6. Would you rather be a King or a democratically elected official?
7. Do you know who Darius Couch was?
8. What is the best movie ever?
9. Is reality TV the path of wickedness?
10. Have you ever spat on the floor of a restoraunt?
11. Are you ashamed of it?
12. Have you ever borrowed a pencil, and then not given it back?
13. Is it permissable to lie when it is convenient for you?
14. Do you automatically spot spelling errors when reading, or do you not notice them at all?
15. Are you fingers tired yet?
16. Is the story of Oedipus funny or sad?
17. Can Dionysus live without Apollo?
18. Do understand the above reference?
19. How do you feel about answering these questions?
20. Are you a pacifist or bloodthirsty killer?
21. Is the above question inadequate due to its two choices being two extremes?
22. What languages do you want to learn?
23. Do you want more questions?
24. Why do you answer the questions?
25. Who would win in a fight, a wolverine or a Komodo dragon?
26. Who would win in a chess match, a vampire or a werewolf?
27. If there were sentient robots,androids, would you support them having rights or would you be against it?
28. What superpower do you want?
I am posting my answers henceforth.
1. Kenneth Edward Fields II.
2. Inquisitor in Chief.
3. #10589.
4. This is my account.
5. Greenish blue.
6. Dark blonde.
7. United States.
8. Independant (fence sitter)
9. Dark blue.
10. Sir Pellinore, because he beat up Arthur, who severely needed a beating.
11. Vespasian (If I had said Nero I would be shot).
12. God Emperor of Dune, 1984, The Divine Comedy, Dracula, and Salem's Lot. Yes there are others.
13. Human, until robots take over, then cyborg. Also Undead, as I am not Unalive at this time.
14. No, then I'd be unable to decide, as I would be directly or indirectly responsible for many deaths either way. Probably take the 100.
15. English. Want to learn Japanese, Arabic, Latin, and Spanish(I'll probably need it.
16. I have a rottweiler(Shyla), two cats(Sugar and Kiki)
and a turtle(Romsca).
17. No.NO.NO! It was just brutal. That's fanaticism at its worst.
18. Kenneth Edward Fields II is my secret name. Who would suspect that I would hide it in plain sight?
19. Tea, because I hate the taste of coffee.
20. I once considered I life of piracy.
21. No, unless it is a money amount I have to pay or the number of seconds left to live.
22. Of course not. It's a fact that George Bush is Xenu come back in disguise and Dick Cheney is his android vizier. Their goal of killing all the whales is common knowledge.
23. Earth and Mars. A sufficient base to start an intergalactic empire.
24. Me (Or is it?)
1. I would go to Jerusalem in 33AD, Saudi Arabia in 630AD, and swing by 19th century America.
2. Tunis, 3 miles away from where Carthage used to be, until the Romans destroyed it, like everything else.
3. Yes, but I am allergic to them.
4. Whatever you want, but typically it involves argumentatum ad bacalum; punishment by people or deities. My distinguishment is based on harm and benefit to yourself and others.
5. What is known to three is known to all.
6. It is probably spherical, unless the pictures from space are fakes. Due to gravity, spherical makes the most sense (i.e. it would have equal effect all over the planet, meaning it would be spherical.
7. Samantha has noted that "restaurant" is incorrectly spelled in a later question. Other than that, I have found none.
8. Yes, I wrote the questions.
9. I would rather meet the zombie, so I can introduce him to the hostile alien, then run to a bunker.
10. Yes, all answers have been verified by the FCC, FTT, UYT, TRER, YUL, SAD, and the FEW.
11. No, but you still have to spit and cross yourself if one crosses your path.
12. Edward.
13. No, the real number of evil is 13.1! Be banished to the hell from which you came, wicked decimal!
1. It, strangly enough, makes me think of a keyboard!
What could originate such a bizzare notion?
2. It isn't anthropomorphic, so it is a mongoose.
3. No, it is the most sensible question ever asked.
4. Yes, only a person completely insane could ever see anything other than Augustus or a mongoose in that jumble.
5. Bluberry pie.
6. Elected official, because Kings can easily become figureheads for generals and state ministers, and hereditary rule is not a good idea anyway.
7. Darius Couch was commander (Major General) of the 2nd Corps of the Army of the Potomac in the Civil War.
8. Gettysburg.
9. Yes it is. Too much of it flooding the television, and nearly all of them the same. Host talks, teams do a challenge, clips of individual people talking are interjected, and repeat repeat repeat. And someone gets eliminated, so that they may curse the people who betrayed them.
10. No, I haven't had reason to.
11. Please refer to sec.3 qu.11.
12. Yes. How many Ave Marias is that worth?
13. As long as it is a small, undamaging lie.
14. I'm a stickler for correct spellings.
15. No, I am not tired, and probably won't be for 3 more hours.
16. Funny, because the attempt at prevention of the prophecy coming true fufilled the prophecy. Just ignore the accidental patricide, incest, and suicide.
17. Yes, both are immortal. Why would Dionysus associate with Apollo, who can't even get laid without granting favors left and right?
18. Yes, I have the amazing ability to read my own mind.
19. I feel nervous. If I answer wrong THEY will get me; the ones who come from NOWHERE.
20. Pacifist, by virtue of not being a bloodthirsty killer.
21. It needs at least one intermediate choice. I would pick the intermediate.
22. Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew.
23. As the wise George W. Bush once said, "Bring 'em on."
24. I answer the questions because my purpose for existing is to answer these questions.
25. The Komodo dragon has protective scales, a large mouth with powerful jaws, and toxic saliva. However, the wolverine's habitat is too cold for the cold blooded Komodo dragon, so the wolverine wins there. Otherwise, the Komodo dragon would make a meal of the wolverine.
26. Werewolves lose all reasoning skills upon transformation, but vampires have great intelligence (and a vast lifespan to aquire knowledge). I would say that the vampire wins, if by some miracle they can get the werewolf to play chess.
27. They would have the same rights as humans under the law (as per my opinion), because they would be intelligent beings as well. Besides that, we would not want a population of enslaved, vengeful androids to revolt and kill us all.
28. The power to change physical laws at will.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-------------------------------------------------------1. Pythagoras was believed to be the son of (insert deity) by his followers.
2. What is the particle opposite of an electron (same mass and spin, opposite charge)?
3. Would you take immortality if you had the chance?
4. What price would be too much for it?
5. Why is there no question here?
6. What is the purpose of the life of a platypus?
7. Is Elysium north or south of Iceland?
8. What was the Sacred Band of Thebes?
9. Are you evil, very evil, or so evil that you hate puppies, kittens, flowers, and sharks?
10. What is dark matter?
11. What is the worst way to enter a room?After wading through all that, maybe I should write something about myself. Maybe... Remember, questions also tell you about the person asking them. Is that satisfactory? Do I even have a regular readership? Who am I writing to?Well, I can say that I was forced to get a profile by a certain CM, and that I am 17 years old. One other thing I will say is that I am of the genus Homo and the species sapiens. Now go away. If you are building a profile from the information here, I will be very suprised and scared.For details pease see all that is about you on your screen.Here's few a questions to ponder"What profit is it to a man if he gains the world but loses his own soul?""Does a dog have an inherently good(buddha) nature?"Why is green jell-o green and not blue?