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Emcee Hash's musical inspiration is derived as much from his experiences as they are from his genuine appeal for the sounds of the urban beat. He is a true citizen of the world, having lived in the corners of the world (literally). India, Australia, Yugoslavia, Indiana (yes the Midwest) and finally California have provided a perspective to music very rarely seen. Although he belonged to so many places, he has never felt more at home then in Cali-for-na-aye!. The key binder for his homeliness: Rap. Rap, in all its forms, allowed him to finally belong. Rap to him became more than a genre, but a lifestyle.
His initial bouts with 'rhyming' were unfocused creative energy, but he felt the desire to tell stories with a thumping bass providing the drama. His words were initially received as farce, but the same non-believers can now be seen nodding their head back and forth in agreement that his talent is definite. Non-believers shunned him when failing in all facets of life. From an engineering education as a Boilermaker, to his first ever Rap cut, he seemed destined to fail. But these initial hiccups were the motivation to something bigger. His songs are an indication of his skills at story telling. Stock Pile, his first production quality single narrates the story of a terrorist revealed and is indicative of his style of Rap. The gangsta in this song is not intended to be a reflection of him, but in fact a character he feels he can understand and portray.
As the cliché states; rap is a state of mind. There is no better endorser for this then Emcee Hash. Rap is solely a medium to illustrate his thoughts, and whilst attempting to break the stereotype of a Rapper, he has been able to delve into subject matter often overlooked by mainstream Rap.
Whatever you do… watch this space!
Emcee Hash's Friend Space (Top 12)