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Different, original, cool, new "About Me":
Basic Info
Name: Veronica ...
Age: 27...
Race: Black/Puerto Rican...
Sexual Preference: ummm...
Relationship Status: Single...
Religion: Christian..
Birthday: Sept 3 1982...
Shoe Size: Depends.. boys/men-7, gal/woman-8.5...
Hair Color: Dark Brown...
Eye color: Dark Brown...
State you currently live in: Illinois...
Color: Red, Grey...
Type of Vegetable: Corn..
Song: "LOVE"..musiq soulchild=)...
TV Channel: TRU TV...
Radio Station: WGCI...
Animal: Dolphin...
Day of the Week: Monday.. always my off day=)...
Shoes you own: Any Jordans..
Cell Phone/ Playstation/ X-Box Game: Memoir...
Holiday: Christmas..
Album/CD you own: Any R Kelly or Nas...
Least Favorites!
Food: Stuffing, Fish,
Animal: Cats..
Color: Purple..
Drink: Bloody Mary's..YUCK!..
Song: 2 many...
Name: 2 many...
Class in school: Chemistry..
Person in the world: Wow.. i have a few.. where shud i start???
Genre of music: Sorry, country...
Dance move: wow...
Sound in the world: ...
Smell: Ass, farts, poop, musty-ness...
Do you prefer This or that:
Ice Cream or Sorbet? Sorbet...
Soda or Juice? Juice...
Car or Truck? Truck...
Cell or home Phone? Celly...
School or work? ahh.. tuff.. id say work.. MONEY
Old Navy or Gap? Old Navy...
Walk or Run? Walk lmao.. im a fatty
Trees or flowers? Flowers=)
Dance or sing? Both... well i CAN dance, I CANT sing...
Club or bar? Depending on mood.. if i am in the skake my booty mood, club
Friends or Family? Depends on mood..
Cookies or Brownies? BOTH!...yumm
Hangover or Flu? Hangover...
Tattoos or Piercings? BOTH
Text or Talk? Text..
Cigarettes or Alcohol? BOTH
About your relationship(s) or lack there of....
Who are you in a relationship with? Myself..
If no one, why not? Cuz gotta find the right one.. fuck goin on dates, im startn to do interviews lmao!
Who was the last person you kissed without any feelings for them? No comment=)
Where was your last date? The olive garden...
When was the last time you had sex, or do you still have your V-stamp? November 27, 2009.. wow.. lol
What was your biggest relationship mess-up so far? Leaving someone I loved very very much...
Do you regret any relationships (long term, short term, one nights, etc.) that you have had? None at all.. mayb the way i went about it.. all a learning experience
Do you find yourself happier in a relationship or solo? Relationship.. i love having that person around...
When dating, who gets priority? Friends, Family or Significant Other? HA.. id say fam, then significant other..
Are you good at relationships? I can be.. when in the right one..
Are you afraid of commitment? Naw.. I was...
Do you like to date around and explore or stick to one person? I used to explore, now id rather stick to one person.. once u have had a good relationship, u want nothing more that to have that same feeling=)
About your job....
Do you work? Duh...
If so, where? Buffalo Wild Wings=)...
For how long have you worked there? Goin on 4 LOOOONG years!...
What exactly do you do? Hum.. Bartend, Waitress, and managing..
How much do you make? Wow.. well average um.. naw nevermind.. 2 much info.. i get by=)..
Is it your dream job? Never!!
If no, what is your dream job? To own my own business/restuarant...
About School
Are you in school? Nope..
Where? n/a
When did you/will you graduate? On break... lol..
What was/is your favorite subject? Math..
Who were/are your friends? Had many..
Did you ever skip a class? Who didnt?!..
Why or why not? Cuz i got high...
What is your major? Business management
Have you ever gone to class drunk? In highskew..
Have you ever gone to class high? Um.. duhh... study high..
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? naw..
What do you miss most about elementary school? Living a care free life.. hanging out afterschool...
What is your best school related memory? Hahaha.. falling out in 7th grade.. i was hot and jus passed out!
Did you/do you play any sports? Yessir..bball, softball, vollyball, hockey(yup)..
Were/are you in any clubs or other extracurriculars? Anything related to dance/theatre..
Your dirty little past.....
Tell a secret: I like girls=)
Hardest drug you have ever done? X..
When did you lose your virginity? 15..
What did you drink the first time you got drunk? Seagrams Gin.. yuck...
Have you ever lied to a friend? Yessir.. not that im proud..
Have you ever cheated on a test? Yessir.. plenty..
Did you ever fail a class? Again, yessir..
Have you ever intentionally hurt someone (feelings or physical)? Yup...
Does anyone know everything there is to know about you? Me, Myself and I..
About your family!
Are your parents still together? Nope..
Do you have siblings? Yessir..
If so, how many? Ages? Names? 2 sisters.. Carla(23) .. Sophia(31)
Is your family close? As close as we can be..
Who is that one person in your family that you just cannot stand? At the moment, my lil sister=(..
About your future?
What will you major in? Business..
What college do you wish to go to? Finish @ Depaul..
Do you want to get married? Definatly..
Do you want children? Got one on the way, want at least 2 more..
How many? um...
Where will you live? Probably somewhere with nice weather year round...
What kind of car do you want? Ha.. BMW.. truck
About your friends!
Do have lots of friends or just a close few? Lots of associates, a few close friends...
Do you talk to and see your friends frequently? (Myspace and Facebook do not count) not as much as id like too...
How often do you talk to them? same as above..
Who would you say your closest five friends are? Vanny, Janaida, Margo, Erica and Vane
Are you still friends with the people you knew in middle school or high school? Um highschool.. no middle skewlers..
Would you do anything for your friends? Just about..
Okay. Phew. The End....
Was this a good, original "About Me"? Yessir...
Would you recommend it to your friends? Sure.. why not?
Who do you think will re-post this? Dunno..
Who do you think will read this? Dunno..
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