Music, wood/metal working, golfing, camping, ice fishing, pheasant hunting, skeet shooting, tormenting my cat the "Bean Monster", looking for aliens and UFO's at Lake Isabel.
Elvis, Elton John, Mark Knopfler, Allison Krauss, Kenny Ereth, John Lord, Mark O'Connor, Eddie Van Halen, Diana Krall, Barbara Dennerlein, Jimmy Smith, Diane Bish, Eric Clapton, John Jorgenson, Jerry Donahue, Jerry Douglas, Bill Evans, Gwen and Captain Jack from Torchwood, Hugh Beumont, Tony Dow, Barbara Billingsly, Jerry Mathers, and my deceased cat Pud whom resides as a ghost in my house.
Anything acoustic or with great piano or Hammond organ. I pretty much like all music, after all there are only 12 notes in a chromatic scale..... Rap is NOT music!!!!
Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Spinal Tap, Rudy, Shawshank Redemption, Space Oddysey 2001 and 2010, all Star Trek movies, all Star Wars movies, The Black Robe, Dances With Wolves, Braveheart, Last of the Dogmen, The Postman, Batman Begins, The Departed, Bull Durham, Radio, We Are Marshall, too many others to mention.......
Torchwood, King of Queens, Seinfeld, King of the Hill, Modern Marvels, Incredible Machines
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie, Jazz Piano by Mark Levine, In Search of Schroedingers Cat, The History of Pipe Organ Building, Many lives Many Masters.
Anybody that risks there lives to save others. (Fireman, Police, Paramedics, Military, etc...) - My Mother, the real "Florence Nightengale" - My sister Maureen, a 2nd grade school teacher - Erv Ahl, A great company CEO - Robert Kabanuck, A great instructor