HAMA is a music project born in the earlier months of 2006, in a cold italian winter, from the idea to let Gabriella's poems become songs. Cris and Gabriella wrote the first songs, and they found them relevant to their personality and their music choices.Then they found the guitarist, Massimo Allegretti, and recently the bass player, Michael Mitoli.
Gabriella has played piano since she was 7. She went to her city's music academy to study, and she also learned to sing. She has ever loved to play and to sing, and one of her passions is writing novels and poems, about youth, life and love. Another passion is movie making. She created Shoe's killin' worm video for the song called "Wrong Song", and now she'staking HAMA's first video "Sharing people".
Cris plays drums in several bands such as Shoe's Killin Worm, Screamin' Flowers and some rockabilly projects as Screamin Coffins and Southern Road Riders. He was a Gallery of Lore member, and he also plays guitars in HAMA.
Massimo and Michael are newcomers who are joinin' HAMA, playing guitars and bass in recordings and live performances.
This profile was edited with spacepimp.net/layouts Editor
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