That's Mister FOWLER if you please!! profile picture

That's Mister FOWLER if you please!!


About Me

Myspace here go; a little bout me. My name is Justin, and like the name implies i am named after a pair of boots. I am in the health care field and love it, I enjoy bearing hope in my cup and letting it run over. I used to party like an animal and do it like they do on the discovery channel, but that part of me has gone the way of the doedoe bird and now i'm a one woman man and love it. Kahlila has brought a deeper sense of meaning to my life than i ever knew could exist and for her i strive to be a better man.I'm not the kinda guy that likes having the social glass of wine but rather give me the trough caz i'm gonna drink with you until one of us goes down.... remember on raiders of the lost ark when that woman who owned the bar and that grizzly adams type man were having a shot for shot contest until one was drank under the table then indie showed up and then the nazi's and then the place got burned down cause of the bar fight and that man that wears black burnt his hand on the sacred medallion cause he grabbed it and it was really hot!! well anyways i'll try my damdest to drink you under the table but as for bar fights count me out i'm a happy laughing clownie drunk and don't need the elevated testosterone nothing ruins a good time for me more than some idiot getting pissed over something so stupid and wanting to fight.... i consider myself more the "friar tuck" kinda drinker.... like Benjamin Franklin said "beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy"Recently i traveled to the Philippines and came back with a whole new perspective on life. Going there has taught me to appreciate the things in life that i used to take for granted. It was quite a vacation but not "disney world" fun... more like "whoa i never thought of things that way!!!" I like philosophy and mine is ever changing however there is a moral fiber that goes unchanged in me and that is my faith in God, I am a Christian and value those morals and roots for they are deeply embedded in my family and therefore in me. Kahlila, however, goes above and beyond any expectation i could ever imagine. She strives for light even when the room is bright. God must think alot of me to have given me her. ;)
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My Interests

THIS IS FOR THE GOOD TIMES & MY BUDD's ........................................................... interests should be interesting right?? but i'm afraid i'll probably show you a side of myself that you'll think ... oh my gosh he does that for an interest HOW BORING what kind of a freak is he? ... i am a freak though so here yah go definately video games partying reading for fun or knowledge watching the birds outside my window or sitting in the truck on a hill watching a lightning show mountain biking atv's are awesome too bad mines dead paintball talking converstionally and debating issues of the day internet meeting new people and having the infamous drink with them i really don't like meeting new people if were not at a party... well let me rephrase that... i don't mind meeting new people anytime but to carry on a conversation with someone i just met i'd rather be drinking...ahh beer it soothes the savage soul and SEND IN THE CLOWNS dats me ...........................................................
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I'd like to meet:

hmmmm i'd like to meet: Jesus... would i want to meet GOD....hmmm no probably not but Jesus YES Adolf Hitler as a boy General Washington 3 yrs after his presidency ended Teddy Roosevelt just because i bet me and him could get drunk and never have a dull moment!!!!!!!!!!! Sean Connery Jack Nicholson Marylyn Monroe before her head clouded with pills and swarai's with the president Ronald Regan because he's one of my personal hero's Stephen King... i'd like to replay the movie "misery" for him Roland Deschain because i'm not sure if he is fact or fiction any longer I guess pretty much i'd like to time travel for my occupation and just hang out with whom ever i want to in "when" ever time i wanted to .... that'd be a nice job, i'd hope it would have benefits and all that jazz ;) Take the quiz:
What is your political orientation?

You're a WUNist! (World United Nationalist.) You hold beliefs that fall in the range between the views of the democrats and republicans. You're probably in support of globalization. You like to compromise and you're a level-headed person that considers what's best for everyone. You enjoy when conflicts are solved and you're usually the person best qualified to solve them.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


music i'm open to anything i can tollerate from rap to country to classical mainly thou old rock PINK FLOYD LIVES!!!!


I'm a sucker for a good movie and if it's really good you'll find that 48 viewings of the exact same movie later i'm still baffled at the cinematics oh yeah you might catch a tear fall if it grabbs my heart strings in ways that pull deep down yah i'll be the first to tell you .... I'll cry if something touches me deeply.... if it moves me


need to get TEVO i used to have my "programs" that i watched on a daily basis but i don't even remember how long ago that was love the citcoms..... Seinfeld, Family Guy, Simpsons, MASH, Taxi, ducktales... yes i said duck tales


books books books for fun i read fiction mostly suspense, horror, and pretty much damn near anything that a friend recommends to me or that is getting good reviews for work i read much about the human body and how to take care... since i am an RN and for whatever i'll read poetry, short stories, essays, political magazines... what have yah Take the quiz:
Which Constellation Are You?

In sky lore, Orion is the hunter. He once boasted that he would slay every animal on earth, so Gaia sent Scorpius to kill him first. In Egyptian mythology, Orion is the region from which all pharaohs begin their journeys. As a hunter, you are very skilled in getting exactly what you want. Sometimes you have a tendency to go a little too far though. Keep your emotions in check and you'll be fine.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


heroes to me is anyone who puts theirself second to another or others ........................................................... Your results:
You are Yoda Yoda 89% Obi-Wan Kenobi 86% R2-D2 84% Qui-Gon Jinn 76% An Ewok 67% Chewbacca 65% Luke Skywalker 63% Princess Leia 61% Padme 61% Han Solo 58% Wise and all knowing you are…yes.
Tall, dark, and handsome?
Not so much I'd say.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Test

My Blog


It was rather odd when it hit me and I wasn't sure how i should feel.  I was in a room at the hospital where i work when suddenly the thought of a funeral parlor stuck in my mind.  Sudden...
Posted by FOWLER on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 04:22:00 PST

one of those days

okay today is one of those days where i'm on a 12 hour rotation all the patients are quiet and so is the hospital cause its good friday and there is nothing else to do cept for get on the internet...
Posted by FOWLER on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 03:06:00 PST

4 Kahlila

We met in the late spring of our lives.                           ...
Posted by FOWLER on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 09:07:00 PST