CORDIE profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was in Nam, you dont know you wern't there.... Alpha platoon 67th regiment,charlie is in the trenches at a stand still...The men are starting to loose thier heads,and we havn't heard anything from saigon....FUCK SAIGON!!!!


My Interests

Beach Blanket Bongouts.

I'd like to meet:

Babes,Gnarley Bros,Chaos Punks,Skins,Hotty Babes,you know that ol' chestnut...

I put on punkshows,I run Ex-Lax Records. Ask me for a show, more chance if you ahve demo/video whatever. My bands are Rotten Fiends, and my new one DeathStalker.


CHOAS!!!!!, fuck crust! Go hug a tree hippie so I can run it over with my tank!


Hellraiser 1-8,Fast Times,Evildead,DeathStalker,CHUD,Into The Sun,The Road Warrior(mad max),I'm Gonna Get Yeah Sucka!,Demons,Rambo 1-3,Beavis and Butthead do America,Cyborg,Death Warrant,Above The Law,On Deadly Grounds,Trailer Park Boys movie,Robo Cop,Terminator(1-3),Texas Ranger,Connan (the Barbarian/The Destroyer),Predetors 1&2,,and pretty much all Steven Segal,Silvester Stalone,Arnold Swartznagar,Jean Claud Van Dam,& Chuck Norris movies


X-Files,King of the Hill,Nowhere Man,Kids in the Hall,SCTV,Simpsons,South Park,Robot Chicken.


Books suck, I play video games...Infact I play way to meny of them....

-Online Games I Currently Play-

World of Warcraft - Realm [Hyjal] - Characters [Ltpain] + [Tubular] + [Megasesh] (all horde)

StarCraft/Brood War - Kashyyyk, US West

Warcraft 3/Frozen Throne - Kashyyyk, US West

Counter Strike(Source,Cz,and 1.6) - LT.PAIN

Day Of Defeat (origional and Source) - LT.PAIN

Battle Field (1942,Road To Rome,Secret Weapons,Vietnam) - LT.PAIN

Diablo 2/Lord Of Destruction - Defunct for now....


Ask me aboot other games if you wanna seshion!

My Blog

too drunk

then i fucking fall down...fuck you i smell like shit
Posted by CORDIE on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:12:00 PST

blogs are fucking lame

well they are...
Posted by CORDIE on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 06:27:00 PST