CarLsie has relocated to Slaapstad and lovinbg it. Kinda dont like to brag and I'm sure u've already heard everything about me
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Footskating, surfing, rugby, braaivleis and partying
Kelly Slater, Will Smith, The man behind the number 46664
Rock, hip hop, house, indie rock, grunge, metal, etc etc
Wedding Crashers, Shawshank Redemption, Bad Boys, Old School, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Napoleon Dynamite, The Departed, Casino, etc
Sopranos watched religiously, can never watch too many Friends episodes, Las Vegas, American comedy sitcoms (2 and half men, That 70's show, Southpark) and the likes crack me up
Magazines and autobiographies
Been admiring myself a whole lot lately!!