MySpace Avatars Lyrics
Sports, Outdoors, Hangin out with Friends, partyin, spendin time with Brittanie
What Beer Are You Most Like
Bud Light
You're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it.In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you're drunk! You're an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar.You're pretty good at holding your liquor too - you've had lots of experience.
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I'd like to meet:
Jesus Christ, Tiger Woods, Phil Michleson, Sergio Garcia, or any professional golfer
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Pretty much all music mostly country and rock
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I like all movies mostly comedy, action, and any war movie, and i can handle a chick flick here and there
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dont watch a whole lot of t.v. but i love csi and watchin the sports channel
i read louis lamour westerns i have over 100 of his books and i have read them all
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my biggest heroe is my dad he is a pastor at two churches and has a full time job at a factory as a quality manager and still made time to be invovled in his kids life, and someday i would like to be like him