Upcoming event!
Vernal Equinox Meal. Alan Poole of the Norway Inn has organised this wonderful menu with support from all the below companies to bring you this great four course meal for a very modest £25 for SF members or £30 for non-members. There will be complimentary bottled water and a free taster of St Austell bottle conditioned Ale for all Guests and we are to be treated to a brief talk from some of the suppliers.Come and welcome in the Spring whilst supporting local producers at the Norway Inn www.norwayinn.co.uk - £25.00 Members £30.00 Non Members - Call to book and find out more from SFC Secretary Carol Searle - Home: 01726 61653 Mobile: 07929172241
Sponsored ByBrian Etherington Meat Company, West Country Fruit Sales, Roskilley's, Rodda's and St Austell Brewery!!Thursday 20th MARCHAT7.00 FOR 7.30PMVernal equinox dinnerSteamed Fresh Cornish AsparagusWith orange Hollandaise Sauce~~~~Roast Rack of Cornish LambOn a bed of Spring Green MashWith creamy leeks, fried cauliflowerand wild rowan berry sauce~~~~Fresh Cornish Rhubarb~~~~Finest Cornish Crumblywith Homemade Damson Chutney~~~~Coffee & Organic Cornish FudgeIf you think you can't afford good food consider how much you may spend on clothes and cars? As the founder Carlo Petrini says, as soon as I eat a piece of cheese, within seconds it becomes part of Carlo Petrini, a pair of Armani pants will always stay on the outside of me!' Which is more important to invest good money in?
The most important thing to remmeber with Slow Food is that it is FUN! Tasting wonderful produce with a human story behind it and a bit of history is a great experience.
Slow Food Cornwall Will give you info on your local convivium
Slow Food Will give you info on the International Movement