Well, I'm 26...ugh..I'd rather i would've just stayed 25 forever...I like that number. So, i'm from Texas...I just moved back here over the summer from FL. I miss it, and all my friends...I lived there for almost 8 yrs...so it became home. I loved being close to the beach. I hate cold weather! All of my family is here, so it was good to spend the holidays with them for the 1st time since 2000. It's also been nice to catch up with old friends...and make new ones. I luv going to the gym, Dance Revolution, The Mav's $ Mark Cuban, Captain Morgan, I'm addicted to Lia Sophia jewelry and my absolute fav show is "Weeds".
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Tropical Beach
myspace layouts
T is for Trendy
A is for Altruistic
R is for Responsible
A is for Active
D is for Deadly
E is for Energetic
N is for Nice
I is for Impassioned
C is for Charismatic
A is for Artistic
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