Beester profile picture


~Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee~

About Me

About Bee
Well you can say Im plain Jane But it s not the same, I aint into Big names, but I like nice things I like boxin matches and the football games I wouldnt mind bein an actress But I love to sing I like going out, taken walks n stuff I dont run with many girls cause they talk too much I enjoy quiet nights at home and Curl up next to ya Cause anywhere I go Im spotted And anything I want I got it 55 with brown eyes, smile like the sun rise ...................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... .If God is a DJ Life is a dance floor Love is the rhythm You are the music If God is a DJ Life is a dance floor You get what you're given It's all how you use it......................................................... ........................................................... ......................................................... ........................................................... .......................................................... Good girls are bad girls that don't get caught and i'm on top of the good girls list *wink*............................................. .......................................................... ......................................................... ...................................... ..........................ooh i love chocolate chip cookies... lolly's.. i love music... i love pink i love lilac and purple and blue white ..i also love tiffany's (something i'm sure keas can relate to!!!) i love elmo.. i want the new elmo doll sniff sniff i llooovvee oscar de la renta i love bcbg dresses i love manicures and pedicures i love spa's and massages i love getting my hair done and i love to shop but most importantly ... i love my family here and in kemang ..i love my twin,IMAN, and i'd give the world up to see her smile... i love my friends ... i love my dynamic duo ,i love my family SIN ... i love sitting around doing absolutely nothing i could sit down alone and have my shisha and be the most happiest person in the world or i could sit down on the see-saw with fadli and be just as happy hehe.. i love seeing my friends and family and those closest to me happy..i'd give anything for their happiness and i'd do anything to catch the tears that roll down their cheeks *wink*... my younger sister tells me to act my age most of the time and she's right (coz i definitly do not act my age!!)and my twin uses words like psycho and crack to decribe me... i like being the baby haha so nadiah don't hate me coz i'm beautiful muax hehe !! oh and i am the biggest movie buff in the world i can live off dvd's and star world and mtv =p oh yea and i'm not as violent as ppl make me out to be loud and terribly hyper with coke yes maybe but violent???? (chantel i only broke your ankle once and it was unintentional!!!) ~float like a butterfly, sting like a bee~
Friend Bear

You are everyone's ideal friend because you are sincere and genuinely kind. Sometimes you worry about your friends' problems so much, you forget about your own responsibilities, which can get you into trouble. For you, it's the little things that really count. You also happen to be the main driver of the Cloud Car. No speeding!
Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz!

My Interests

My InTeresTS
football, basketball, volleyball with my dynamic duo, riding, swimming, gymming, f1, ferrari, williams bmw, jet skiing, scuba diving, tennis, shopping, music, dancing, partying, chirstmas, summer, January, beaches n skiing slopes, my family, fashion and...PINK!! (the colour not the person)img src=" y.gif"

I'd like to meet:

Id Like To Meet
*wink*....i would like to meet.. Ghandi .. and .. Moses ... and... Mother Theresa... and.. Martin Luther King... and .. princess Anastasia .. and King Louis the 15th .. and the Prophet Mohammed.. and Jesus .. and the virgin Mary .. and ...Sylvia Plath ... and John Donne .. and...Charlotte Bronte... and...Cleopatra...and.. Alexander the Great...oh and i would kill to meet Bambi and the little mermaid!!!!!!..................... i want to meet an angel...


My Music
Ashanti, Monica, 112, Usher, Brandy, city High, Evanescence, Blaque, linkin park, blink 182, kelis, lumidee, b.e.p., Jermaine Dupri.. i looove maksim mrvica his music is simply yummy ..


My Moooovies
The Godfather 1,2,3, the last Don,Biker Boyz, Fast and Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Gone With the Wind, The sweetest Thing, Oceans 11, Princess Bride,Gone in 60 seconds, Original Sin, Lethal weapons, Italian Job Save the last dance, All Disney cartoons,The last samurai, bad boys 1 n 2, abandon, sister act, fighting temptations, the land before time, love actually, phone booth, honey, runaway jury... i love horror movies although .. i haven't actually found one tht scares me.. i mean the exorcist didnt scare me it grossed me out for about five mins i fell asleep and i had to watch it again the next day and the shining was one of the most borring movies i have ever seen ... so yea i'm dying to see one tht'll actually scare me shitless any suggestions?


Charmed, Friends, Gilmore girls, Buffy, Roswell, Ally McBeal, Alias, Just Shoot Me, That 70s Show, The bold and beautiful (sad? i know!), Meteor Garden (yes i know another sad one!), punk'd, mtv cribs, two guys and a girl, sex and the city, my little pony, care bears, jem, the o.c.


Princess, Daughters of Arabia, Rage of Angels, Butterfly Box, East of Eden, Wide Sargasso Sea, things fall apart, the devil wears prada , top girls, gossip girls, the alchemist, decline and fall, anything by sidney sheldon, magazines- vogue.. in stlye.. glamour.. teen vogue..martha stewart.. donna hay...


My Heroes
my mom... she's superwoman.. oh and my brothers.... Sting Like A Bee Float Like A Butterfly

My Blog

song for 'HIM'

a while ago i wrote a blog about 'him' well this song describes my feelings perfectly almost to0 perfectly ... who knws maybe one day ... maybe it'll happen maybe i'll move on ... but for now ... i've...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


nadster.. aunty mel mel.. dumbo .. twinny.. sash .. lalana ... bubu.. yaya.... bobE .. isnay... spinzy....THIS ONES FOR YOU!!!!!! Nothin makes me more happy than to know That I have suc...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


OBVIOUS QUESTIONS -1.what time is it? 12:01 pm -2.full name? Nabilah Khan Binti Mahmud Khan -3.nicknames? Bee, bi, b'lah, bee bee, my twin calls me twinny -4.favorite nickname? Bee...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


yeap i bet u're all wondering who he is ... hmmm he loves the same movies i do.. he watches the same tv i do... he loves to shop almost as much if not more than i do .. he loves chocolate.. he loves h...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

goodbye.. i'm sorry

the time's finally come i'm gonna have to say goodbye to you all .. at the moment hopefully the goodbye will only last 4 weeks however, God may have other plans for me in the Holy Land during my pilgr...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wana know how to make a bee hmmmm ??

How to make a beeIngredients:5 parts intelligence3 parts crazyiness5 parts beautyMethod:Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!Username:Per...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my bedtime story

throughout my life i've been handed one inconsistency to the next .. i've had friends tht have come and gone .. sometimes they leave because i ask them to sometimes they leave because i tell them to s...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


The Harmony team returns with the second and last installment for 2004. Christmas comes early this year for floor stompers, as Harmont 2 takes you to new dimensionsof hedonism with percussion laden ex...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


you know wht .. sometimes when u think tht things just can;t get any worse u're proven wrong .. its tht moment in your life when everything seems to shatter right infront of your very eyes! and just w...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hmmm random.. mostly things the people i love will understand

01. name: nabilah khan .. known to most as bee known to my twin as beester 02. hobbies: i love partying ... music .. dancing.. sports ... and chilling with my SIN family.. it doesnt get better than t...
Posted by Beester on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST