My main game is sound engineering, I have not recorded anything for a while due to finance and other problems, the music posted up here i recorded with Dubtrix around 2000 to 2003. my next recording environment will be fitted with mostly vintage analogue recording equipment... when i get back with my act together i hope to sound a lot more professional.My main subject is sound engineering for musicians, mostly recording studio projects, I also like to go into the electronic design and service and get to know what makes some of the gear tick and why it sounds so good but I don’t go too deep into that as i have my service technician (Clive Kevan) who is in London and superb at his job.I am looking for decent, strong hearted & spirited people to work & colaborate with, musicians/vocalist and songwriters any style of music is ok with me, just good vibes and fair minds.Mostly i love the analogue audio electronic equipment (like most people), valve and discrete transistor designs are my favourate and nearly always I find the vintage gear is best.The photo slide shows some of the gear that I will use in the future recordings in 2008.