I hope to find someone I can talk to all night. That would be the best. I love to hear stories as well as tell them. I also have goals for myself. I have made goals that I want to achieve. I want someone I am with to do the same. I want them to know where they're going in life. It is the greatest feeling in the world to achieve something you've worked so hard for, and then be able to share that feeling with someone else close to you. He needs to know what he wants in life. He may not be sure of the direct path, but goals would be nice! He also needs to know what he wants in me. I'm not a mind reader. Confidence is a huge turn on. (not cockiness)! A man who knows how to take care of himself is definitely attractive. No if ands or buts, a guy in a pink shit is always hot! I'm a pink shirt kinda gal! I want to be able to talk about my problems, as well as my achievements with him. I'd also be nice to have someone who will know what I'm thinking sometimes because they're thinking the same. It'd be nice to have someone to just know is there sharing the same feeling. Though mutuality, and shared feelings are nice however, I also want someone who will fight with me when they need to. I want honesty, not a constant need to please me. I want someone to be real. Arguments are real. Not everyone is happy 24/7. I don't mind conflicts as long as they're necessary and genuine. (I don't just pick any fight! I hate drama! I'll walk away. And I know us girls have plenty of drama.) Lastly, I want someone who will not only be there for intimacy, but someone who will be my best friend. I want to share laughs and be able to share tears. I want someone I can play against but also cuddle with. I want him to like me for me. Not too hard right? In all honesty, looks do not come first on my list. Sure if I'm walking down a street I'll take a glance at someone attractive, but with no personality, they don't stand a chance. If I meet someone like that I will be the luckiest girl in the world.