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About Me

Founder, President, & CEO - FIGHT CLUB INTERNACIONALE. Menace to society, public enemy # 1, self-made, Sith Darklord, manic depressive,geek, bordering on postal, former altarboy, severely antisocial, schizo, and mama's boy =) I choose to be a doer as opposed to just a talker; actions speak louder than words. Keep it REAL. HAPA PRIDE, nukka!!! ************************************************************ ****** " If I knew it was THAT kinda party, I would've stuck my dick in the mashpotaters!!!" =P

My Interests

Dancing,house music & trance, international travelling & food, good wine, Mojitos, & tequila, dancing, brawling & beating down punkasses properlike!, WORLD DOMINATION......oh, and per$onal finance as well as BODHICITTA.

I'd like to meet:

Napolean Dynamite! Vote for Pedro!Who I DON'T wanna meet: Posers, wannabe Myspace/Friendster wangstas or wannabe hoochie import models ZOMG. Begone, sickafants!


MUSE, BT, Dogzilla, Gorillaz, The Killers, Nine Inch Nails, The Cure, Jay-Z, Fabolou$, Radiohead, U2, Oasis, Coldplay, Garbage, Delirium, 80's (DEPECHE MODE, Erasure ,Yaz , Red Flag, OMD,etc.), The Smiths, Nitzer Ebb, Front 242, Duran Duran, Billy Idol, INXS, early-Metallica, Tool/APC, & The Strokes!


Blow, Blackhawk Down, Fight Club, Heat, Say Anything, Top Gun, Year Of The Dragon, BoilerRoom, Gladiator, Snatch, Ocean's 11, Wall $treet, Trainspotting, 5th Element, Bullet, American Psycho, State of Grace, Sleepers.


The Secret, Tao of Jeet Kun Do, The Firm, White Ninja, The Illiad and the Odyssey, Pattern Recognition, anything by the Dalai Lama.



My Blog

Yeah, been a long time........

......but a ton has been going on in my life. Sorry to all of y'all who've been postign comments and writing to me with no reply back from me. I'm sure you've seen that I haven't logged on thsi thing ...
Posted by Dragonmode on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:33:00 PST

New leaf

I've put a lot of thought lately into what I'm going to do in the immediate 2 years, having just yesterday received a very nice job offer. I turned it down even though it'd pay 40k more than what I ma...
Posted by Dragonmode on Sat, 27 May 2006 07:01:00 PST

A little older. A little wiser.

Lastnite I was at a local Chinatown bar for a friend's birthday gettogether. There, I ran into another group of old friends who I haven't really hung out with in a long, long time. Some of the...
Posted by Dragonmode on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Bittersweet Victory - NYC

The Yankees won the ALC against the Bosox lastnite, but it doesn't really amount to squat when 10 people died just 2 days ago in that SI Ferry disaster. I suddenly think back to the song BLASPHEMOUS R...
Posted by Dragonmode on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The New Friendster?

GreaaAAaat. Now after I rocked Friendster, I have to start from square one with Myspace. Well we'll see... I mean I do have a life, you know?
Posted by Dragonmode on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST