Welcome to the Offical Page of Prophet-Minister Ronnie L. Bennett. Min. Ronnie is a native of Stamford,CT. He is the proud son of Elder Sonia (Andrew) Davis and Ronnie (Brenda) Fields. Ronnie is an ordained christian minister and very active at his home church, Bread of Life Fellowship Center in Hamden,CT; under the leadership of Apostles' Calvin & Marilyn Williams. Facets of ministry includes; Praise/Worship, Adult & Men's Chior, New Genertaion Youth Church of Oneness, Children's School of Excellence, School of Prophets, Outreach, and Foreign Missions.Since 1998, Minister Ronnie has found his life and ministry taking on a new deph and direction after being baptised in the Holy Ghost. Ronnie has came to the light of his calling and pupose in life and ministry. With several spiritual experiences with the Lord and revelations, Minister Ronnie has accepted the Lord's call to flow in prophetic and teaching ministry. The Lord has given him a global mission with a global message for all mankind, Restoring Life to Nations World-Wide, which is "To Speak Life to those Dry, Dead, and Hopeless Areas." The ministry of Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration is in operation in his life with signs and wonders following the man of God.Minister Ronnie is the Co-Founder and Cordinator of The Circle of Miracles: A Fellowship of Prophetic Intercessors. It is a network of preachers, prophets, and intercessors. http://thecircleofmiraclesfellowship.ning.comMinister Ronnie is currently pursing his Doctorate of Divinity and will soon be founder of FOCUS Youth Outreach Center. FOCUS will provide guidance, mentorship, and sound cousel for our next generation of leaders, warriors, and entreprenuers. These young people will be taught the important lessons of life, business trades and training, and more using Biblical principles.As an Ambassador & Entrepreneur, Ronnie is the founder and manager of his business, "To the Nations Travel Enterpries."To God Be the Glory!![LOVEMYFLASH]