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Actor chileno, Licenciado en Artes Escénicas de la Universidad de Playa Ancha, ValparaÃso. Dedicado principalmente a proyectos ligados al Teatro. Músico autodidacta. Su trabajo musical ligado al folk, es parte de una busqueda, la cual ha venido desarrollando desde niño con el fin de construir un lenguaje identitario en sus composiciones, ligado a la canción popular chilena. Tambien ha desarrollado un trabajo audiovisual con el concepto minimalista en el diseño y realización de videos musicales animados, destacando el trabajo que realizó para la banda Mogwai el año 2008 con el video "The Batcat Animation"para el single Batcat del albúm The Hawk is Howling y tambien realizando dos video clip para el cantautor chileno Javier BarrÃa.
Chilean actor, Bachelor of Performing Arts at the University of Playa Ancha, ValparaÃso. Dedicated to projects related to the performing arts. Self-taught musician. His work related to popular music, is part of a search that has been developing since childhood in order to build a language of identity in their compositions, linked to the Chilean folk song. It has also developed an audiovisual work with the concept of minimalist design and implementation of animated music videos highlighting the work he did for Mogwai with the video "The Batcat Animation" for the single Batcat for the album The Hawk is Howling, 2008 and also led to two video clip for the Chilean songwriter Javier BarrÃa.
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