Metal (especially Black and Folk); Ambient, Dark Ambient; Noise; Folk (especially Irish jigs and reels) and Neofolk; Soundtracks; Classical; Medieval; more other
The Godfather; The Seventh Seal; Schindler's List; 1984; The Last of the Mochicans; Willow; Ninth Gate; Interview with the vampire; Cheech and Chong - Up in Smoke; Treasure Island; Pirates of the Caribbean; Plan 9 from Outer Space LOL ;) Directors: Hitchcock; Fellini; Tim Burton; Polanski;
News; Documentaries; Anime; Simpsons =)
Umberto Eco; Jorge Luis Borges; Bertrand Russell; George Orwell; Baudelaire; Erich Maria Remarque; Italo Calvino; Verne; Collin de Plancy X-); Homer; Dante Alighieri; Stevenson: Treasure Island; Fromm: The anatomy of human destructiveness; ...