Hey I am Kelly. I live in Indiana. I grew up in California (Nor Cal represent! hahaha). I have been married since April 28, 2004. I am impulsive, and because of that I can be a bit irresponsible. I am impatient. I am a songwriter, guitar player. I am immature for my age in many ways. Aren't all guys? I don't eat vegetables. I am a very picky eater. I smell bad sometimes, so do you. Haha.
I can be found on aim. SN: overunder78
I will frequently post video blogs, or videos of me playing big hit songs on acoustic guitar. I think it's lame that people do that on YouTube, BUT I am guilty of it too.
My family is definitely a little different. Don't ask. All aboard Dysfunction Junction.
I am funny, sarcastic, and over all pretty dumb. LOL