people, places and things.....not the bad people though...they suck! Tatts by my tahitian friend Gringo:)....nice tatts in gereral...4runners:)...korean food...japanese food...hawaiian food...seafood...other foods...:( lanikai beach...makapuu..dvd's...gym.lost my gym card..but i still get in...coaching baseball..except when it gives me a frickin headache....being mean to my fellow employees...but i need to laugh or work is not fun...the island of oahu..although people take it for granted and have no respect for the ocean and land..then you should get the frick out and live in a rotten ass hole in the mainland...don't expect others to wipe your ass for you! last but not least my 2 favorite peeps in the world..little t and sharyn soon to be p...:)
photos by me......
christine...the one and only! Mahalo sweetness!
...already met the person that means the world to me!!!! that's you my little "T".......And Shar-n...."You and me" baby! and the "ROCK" showed me what a true blue friend is all about! thanks for being there JO ROO! ...
Last of the Mohicans, Point Break.
Miami Ink.
cat in the eggs and ham..:)
tyler -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BODY { scrollbar-face-color: 3366ff; scrollbar-highlight-color: 3366ff; scrollbar-3dlight-color: ffffff; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: 000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: 3366ff; scrollbar-arrow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-track-color: ffffff; } --