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Shisuka *-*

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me amp;EventCode=HN08

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"Is life merely an illusion. With every thought adding to confusion?
If so, existence is of little use at all. And the Self must be denied its fall"
My Internal monologue that keeps on running;
";Perception is closely connected to the discovery of truth, which can be an elusive entity if we do not strive for objectivity"
I believe that disappointment arises from unfulfilled expectations. Expectations come from putting restrictions upon oneself. I realize that I should not put restrictions upon myself- We are constantly evolving - you never know what you CAN or WILL do.
Our society forces us to interact with each other based on roles and duties that we perform. It is merely the superficial self- "The Face".
We fail to think that we are all HUMANS and sometimes on a humane level, it is necessary to step out of those role and help a person out.
Recently I've discovered a new interest. Myself. I am striving to learn about myself. My life is going through stages... and today, I am in the process of transitioning. The journey inward has been one of my darkest moments. Just when I think I know€ I end up in an unfamiliar place. Recently, I€™ve been discovering new meaning to my life.
I love to analyze people, analyze myself, and analyze minute things about life. My friends say that I am crazy€but I believe that I am a critical analyzer. My thought process is long and exhausting. I think in zigzag paths€”ending up with the same conclusion. Sometimes I amaze myself how I make thought connections. My mind is like a labyrinth... Often times I get lost in my own thoughts... sometimes not knowing why I had begun.
INTERPERSONAL self - "The Me"; Perception is being able to see through the prism of truth. If I had to use 2 words to describe myself, I'd have to say... RANDOM THOUGHTS!!!!!! I am known to say random things... and they seem to crack up people around me. WHy do they laugh? Sometimes... I don't understand.. but it makes me happy that I can make people laugh. I enjoy making a fool of out of myself to those I care for... Regardless if my friends are laughing at me.. or with me€. I find inner joy in making them laugh. From cracking jokes and being a silly goose€I always value a good sense of humor. I value honesty and truth. I love to learn. Striving to discover new things and opening my mind up to new concepts.
I am an extremist. Always pushing limits. Never knowing when to stop...fickle...a hyper energizer bunny that keeps on runnin and runnin.... till I knock out. I love my girls cuz they always give into my "Lets go to an After party!!! rampage..(Candace is rolling her eyes sayin'...Give me a rope!!!haha).
One of my favorite store is Michaels. So many crafty activities.. I can spend hours there. I love to make things for people€. bake muffins, pumpkin cheesecake pies for Thanksgiving, and cakes for birthdays (thanks Christy Poo for eating all my muffins and appreciating all my baked goodies and Gem for believing in my lemon squares; giving me the "Martha Pal" hehe).
I might seem shy, snobb, quiet etc; INITIALLY, but if you get to know me, I can be one silly talkative monkey! My friends get overwhelmed when I get into story telling because I can go on ALL day. I am the biggest babeeee you will ever meet. I love to play!!!! Stay out really late and eat bomb food!!(hehe).I love doing babee mode talks with Christy Poo. You know that I am drunk€ when my voice gets super high€ start doing back bends€ and when I say€.€?Amigo amigo€ mucho queso! (haha that€™s for you Candace and Kat).. I LOVE cute things and kiddy toys.
I have a soft spot for elders and lil' chubby kids. I tend to call lil chubby kids with bellies.. Homer Simpson! (haha don't ask me why.. its just soooooo cute).
Basically, you get the point€ I love CUTEness!!! hehe.
p.s. I am addicted to chapstick .. if i don't have chapstick on me... hell breaks loose... haha. AND I LOVE to DYE my Hair and F*ck it up. YES.. I am obsessed about it...I will dye my hair until i am satisfied!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm... I would like to meet anyone who is funny, spunky, trendy, silly ass humans,a girl's-Girl, anyone who likes cute Japanese toys, and any fashionable creatures. Likes to eat munchies and bomb ass food. Someone who can show me the world! Take me to fun places and teach me NEW things..Someone who can open up a new perspective. Someone who is not sarcastic.. i hate sarcastic people. i never get their jokes.. someone straight forward and blunt but considerate! An intuitive, cute, and innocent at heart person. Easy going---Talented artsy people. Gwen Stefani, Kate Hudson, Gemma Ward, Avril, James Blunt, Adriana Lima etc..Anyone whose GOT style! And most of all... my ultimate dream would be to meet the real... MISTERRRRRRRRR BEAR (i think i found a replica version.. his name is Philly Bear hehe)!!! ooooo and of can i forget... *Wink* my childhood super hero... it would be an honor to meet DoRaeMon!


"Know thyself," a perspective, a start-
Now seek a direction, think and depart.
In seeking direction there must be a goal,
Commitment to Self in regard to the whole;
Commitment to TRUTH , to that which is REAL ,
A driving force you can't help but feel.

You ask, "What does it mean to be?
Have I limits, or infinity?"
The limiting walls are always self made
By the little man who is simply afraid,
Afraid to seek, fearing what he will find-
Underestimating the awesome Mind .
This noncommitted, pittiful being
Build walls of apathy, unseeing..."

- Julie Stallings
CPK-"Can Pal Kat" I loverrrrrrrr them!!!!!

My Blog

I am going Crazy!

I had always love to dye my hair. change my look... re-invent myself. Red, burgundy red  blonde on black, black on red, blonde, blue black, black cherry, dark brown, light brown, hazel, chestnut,...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:06:00 GMT

This is for the Aquarius Signs!

Aquarius is the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this Sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the ne...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 23:42:00 GMT

I love it!

What a Beautiful View. I love it!!!!
Posted by on Fri, 26 May 2006 21:25:00 GMT

Happy Mommy Day! <3

Today I reminisce of my childhood memories. These memories linger inside of me, holding a promising family bond. They have shaped who I AM today and planted my moral foundations. They are moments of w...
Posted by on Sun, 14 May 2006 23:11:00 GMT

My professor reminds me of..........

        There are not many professors I've encountered that I found very interesting. In my past, there were only two. Today I found another. My communication professor t...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 22:14:00 GMT