Inspired by the book "rebel without a crew" (I thought only women wrote diaries? Never the less a good read.) I decided to make my first micro budget feature. I wanted to make it for the same amount as RR however London is slightly more expensive than Mexico and with the exchange rate... But I did come reasonably close.
I set about making Love Struck "a fast-paced and gritty modern-day urban love story, featuring intriguing characters and slick comedic dialogue", over a period of 15 days armed with one camera. One of the biggest achievements of the shoot was choreographing and shooting one of the fight scenes in 5 hours. Much respect has to go to all those involved in this scene. I completed the film early 2005 and during the summer won Best film at the Portobello Film Festival. A big thank you to all those involved Cast and Crew, their details are on IMDB.
So for those of you who haven't seen it you can watch it below. Why it has saved that picture as the start up is beyond me.....
Suppose I should rate it to please the authorities, hmm... PG-12ish...
My second film titled "Roast Pork" is already in the works. I posted the synopsis as a blog so you can read about it. Hope you like the concept. I will keep you updated with the progress, filming in China next year...
Enjoy the film...
P.S. still trying to get you guys better picture quality.