Clothes, clothes, more clothes, lol... sewing, (I'll be famous one day) drawing,my lil doggie the cutest thing alive, basically anything that will keep me intertained.
Ok I listen to alot of music..... if I listed all of them you'd be reading for days... I like most things... anything I can dance to.....nothing too blah... the only music I can't take is classical.
Wizard of OZ -my all time favorite The Nightmare before Christmas (I LOVE JACK) Ferngully: The Last Rain Forest... you dont know nothing about that Pratical Magic (I secretly wanna be a witch!), Remember the Titans, Breakfast at Tiffanys, for some reason it's all Steve's fault... Battle Royale, Napolean Dynamite, The Notebook, Wedding Crashers, Anchor Man, 50 first dates, First Wives Club, Elf, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, How to lose a guy in 10 days, More I cant think of.......
Sex and the City... you could learn a few things from them girls
well when I read it's mostly funny fiction books about the trials and tribulations of life
My mommy- she always picks me up if I fall