In a world that stands against me, I'd like to meet the only guys who know how light my fire and motivate me to continue without regard to my opposition.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
You Are a Pundit Blogger!
Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few
What Kind of Blogger Are You?
Your World View
You are a moralist with conventional ideas, which some people would call old-fashioned.
You probably think that most of the world falls badly below your standards.
Your inhibitions and sense of guilt are in the way of your happiness.
You think that people tend to use sex for evil, as a weapon.
Your parents probably played a big part in the formation of such a guilt complex as yours.
Your mind is in chains, and it's time you did something to free it.
What Is Your World View?Hahahahaha!!!!
A magnificent machine and a great honor to have flown it. Not many cadets can say that they have personally flown a WWII US Navy Fighter Plane. It is the most memorable event in my life and I still have a smile on my face that I can not wipe off.
Much is to be learned from those IRON MEN who sailed WOODEN SHIPS ..
Pirates of the Caribbean?
My World Visitor Map!
None. It rots your brains. Read and Learn. Stay informed and ready yourself to do battle with evil.
I read a lot of different books and I like to spend time with friends near and far.
Track Myspace Page
The One and Only Captain whose wit and cunning is the envy of the modern world and ...All those men who perished in their magnificent machines for the sake of Freedom.