I write songs about people who don't like themselves, but compensate by hating everything around them. I sing them in a very self-deprecating manner. I play bass for Parallax Project, Adam Kowalczyk, Jeffrey Gaines, Dan Kibler, and whoever else calls me. I produce records very cheaply. I still value complete sentences, and I will never use dumb text message shorthand. I love cocktails.
Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 40%
Lust: 20%
Pride: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Envy: 0%
Gluttony: 0%
Greed: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will get bugs, because you're too lazy to shoo them off. And then you'll die.
How Sinful Are You?.. width="425" height="350" ....