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All information provided on OurScoliosis is not provided as a doctors opinion or diagnosis. If you suspect that you may have Scoliosis or are having complications with your Scoliosis, please contact your doctor.
OurScoliosis is in no way affliated with the links provided nor the celebrities showcased in the Who's Got Curve slideshow.
Each story or blog should be taken as opinion and NOT fact. Any opinions given about doctors are purely provided to vocalize personal experience.
OurScoliosis is not a foundation and does NOT have a tax id number as of yet.
Thank you,
OurScoliosis Our MissionStatement
I have a challenge for all of you Scoliosis patients out there! I want you to comment OurScoliosis with your OTHER diseases or symptoms... Now, some of you may not have another disease or unexplained symptoms. However, I have a sneaky suspicion that a lot of you do. 2008 will be the year of discovery and perhaps some answers. Please use the comment by Crystal as the example of how to submit your comment. Cheers and Happy New Year!
OurScoliosis believes strongly in bringing hope to ALL Scoliosis patients, parents, children, adults and teens who have all struggled with the disease. We're setting out on the adventure of spreading knowledge of Scoliosis. OurScoliosis has decided to say goodbye to some of those nasty stereotypes and say hello to fun facts and scientific advancements. There is nothing worse than being made fun of because of your rib hump or plaster brace. So, we're making curvey cool and enjoying every minute of it. Please join us in our quest for all things Scoliosis.

Scoliosis Research Society National Scoliosis Foundation iScoliosis Scoliosis Journal Spine Universe eSpine Scoliosis Association, Inc. Curved NEWS

Kinked NEWS!

OurScoliosis changes layout and adds new features!

Check out the NEW kinked links which are located to the left. Each link has been carefully chosen to provide up to date Scoliosis help, information and research studies. We don't choose links based on financial affliation or endorsement.

OurScoliosis is ALWAYS looking for suggestions and ideas. If you have some curvy cool ideas, let us know!
SHIRTS! After some serious thought and many debates, we have disgarded the Scoliosis wrist band idea. *tear*
That's it for updates at the moment!

Curved Crystal
-OurScoliosis President

Fun Curved Facts

Rebecca Romijn announces her Scoliosis experience with Ellen Degeneres. She shares the back pain she had while growing up. Rebecca endorces Pilates as a great way to help alleviate pain caused from Scoliosis. I will provide a link to the Ellen Show as soon as the video is posted online.

Who's Got Curve
If you know of any other celebrities with Scoliosis, please let us know. Fusion FashionI had a little bit of fashion fit and designed some shirts. I realize not all of you have been fused, however all of us are fused together by having Scoliosis. The OS on top of the Fusion stands for OurScoliosis. These shirts don't scream Scoliosis, but a lot of us don't show signs of our curvatures until we either tell someone or our curves become more severe. So, I hope you guys enjoy these shirts! I am working on some other designs. Oh and naturally a percentage of the proceeds go to the Scoliosis Research Society!

*Crystal* -President of OurScoliosis

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Spinal Strengthening May Help AIS Patients

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Study Shows Spinal Strengthening Can Help AIS Patients Article found on www.spineuniverse.com --> --> Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a disorder that cause...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 17:57:00 GMT

The Cobb Angle & Risser Sign

The other day I was searching for the definitions of the Cobb Angle and the Risser Sign. Well, I just found it! Thanks to Scoliosis Associates, I am now able to pass that information onto all of you!...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 03:28:00 GMT

The Good & The Bad Doctor Reviews

I Need A DOC!The Good & The Bad Docs of OrthopedicsPLEASE SEND IN YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES!! (Check back often for new doctor reviews)Name: Munish C. Gupta, MD Location: Sacramento, CA Practice: Ortho...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 20:30:00 GMT