Hi I'm
Metals Reject : ur shannon
Metals Reject : that wtf pwns everything else
I'm only a sham. Well, that's my appeal.
The people need sham 'cause the world is too real.
You wanna know about me?
Why didn't you just say so?!
I am a theatre major at Rollins College in Winter Park.
I am a curious little Chesire cat.
I will break your heart, if you don't break mine first.
I have a 1986 MR2 that I miss very much.
I am now work in recreation at Disney's Y&B.
I like learning new things.
I think too much.
I am an optimist, mostly.
I think algebra is fun.
I am Catholic.
I love St. Leo's.
I laugh... frequently, loudly, and distinctively.
I was born on Easter.
I am a hypocrite.
I love shorts and flip flops.
Better yet, I like being barefoot.
I think the ideas of drinking/smoking/drugs are dumb.
I over-analyze things.
I love following grammar rules on AIM.
I like friendly arguments.
But I hate fighting.
I like safaris.
I'm his treasure.
I am Spanish, by association.
I borrow jewelry.
I ruin popcorn.
I enjoy cherry icees.
I share smoothies.
I break out in song whenever I feel like it.
I'm a dork, too. lopl. =P
I wish...
Words of Wisdom
dcroxmysox4eva : relationships are stupid
dcroxmysox4eva : then you become attached
dcroxmysox4eva : and then you get hurt
How can I get it together
when everything's falling apart?!
Favorite Gadgets
go-go-gadget spatula
actor n.
1. A theatrical performer.
blithe adj.
1. Carefree and lighthearted.
boisterous adj.
2. Loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline.
coquette n.
1. a woman who flirts lightheartedly with men to win their admiration and affection; flirt.
confused adj.
1. Being unable to think with clarity or act with understanding and intelligence.
2. a) Lacking logical order or sense.
b) Chaotic; jumbled.
gifted adj.
1. Endowed with great natural ability, intelligence, or talent.
girl n.
2. An immature or inexperienced woman, especially a young woman.
hyper adj. Slang
1. Having a very excitable or nervous temperament; high-strung.
2. Emotionally stimulated or overexcited.
procrastinate v
1. postpone doing what one should be doing
sundry adj.
assorted: consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruity)
winsome adj.
Charming, often in a childlike or naive way.
phaffd : I think you just have a
freaking rainbow shoved into your head :)