Fashion - Degreed in Merchandising Wardrobe Consultant from Chicago Personnal Shopper for those who careNeed to know where to find what you want? ASK ME!!!
I'd like to meet the man who knows that a lady is to be treated as such - regardless of how she dresses, or appeals to your, shall we say, masculinity.Treat a woman with class- and she will respond with class. (if she doesn't than good riddance to bad rubbish!!)Manners are not reserved for the snobbish, snooty or wealthy - they are for ALL - and for a reason!Truth? Is in HOW you tell it, not just waht you tell.If the comment does you, or the person's you love NO good will - then is it worth saying?Keep watching - Men have fashion foul ups too!
While sewing - I love to listen to jazz standards - and of course, sing along as if I was still the torch singer at Lancaster! Cooking - it's showtunes (i know, i know!!) party's - the music meets the theme of the food and the souls invited - from reggae, to zydeco to alternative and dance!
Favorite movie of all time - BLADE RUNNER - looove that Harrison Ford. Saturday mornings catch me in bed cuddled up with a good old TCM movie. (if you don't know, pllleeease do not ask!~!
too much. TV is my current roommate as there is no boyfriend (shocking, i know!!) six degrees is ranking near the top - grey's is beginning to drag on - and desparate is seeming, well, desperate!!!
I read. man do I read. right now, reading Breaking Point by Suzanne Brockmann. Not bad. Just finish The Devil in the Junior League - nice raunchy fun - and Camel Club - once it got going - it rolled through ups and downs that make you finish that book fast! next up, Arriana Huffington's "on becoming fearless" and carly fiorina's memoir. Book club anyone?
Mom. Holy cow. six kids - adopted two - and allowed me to survive the teenage years. Recently came to hep me after a nasty back surgery - and had to basically do it all as if I was one again!!! Thanks Mom!!