Weatherstation Audio profile picture

Weatherstation Audio

About Me

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Welcome to the weatherstation !
When someone walks up to me after a show and says... "that sounded good man !" and then proceeds to talk shop, thinking maybe they know something of the technical aspects of my job, I've often replied... "I'm not the soundguy, I'm simply the mojo operator for the band !"____________________________________
November 2008 - touring Afghanistan while entertaining the NATO forces This site is dubbed TLS building (Taliban's Last Stand) at the NATO camp 'Kandahar Air Field'
November 2008 - Me and my military gear inside the TLS building
Gypsy's dancin' to Poseidon band while mixing for the Saint John Greek Festival July 2008
Tom Nelson programing beats for Dee Hernandez sessions
Pete Wallace laying down nasty beats for the Halo sessions - photo by Allan Buck
October 2007 - Mixin' 'Blackie and the Rodeo Kings' at the Blue Olive left to right: Colin Linden, Stephen Fearing & Tom Wilson (photo by: Dan Culberson)
Freelance engineering session with '16th Avenue' - left to right, Joel Cochrane (guitar), Chris Claessen (hiding behind the drums) & Adam Williamson (bass/vocal) - July 2007
Mixing FOH at the Saint John City Market - CBC Information Morning, December 2006
Mobile session with the 'Edge on Spiral' project - left to right, Chris Fudge & Jay Vautour
Marc Gosselin
ph: 506-651-8396
e-mail: [email protected]


My Interests


Member Since: 10/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Me, Myself and I... ?
Influences: passion, honest performances, and the sweet sound of analog tape hiss....
Sounds Like: for ever evolving...
Record Label: Atlantica Live

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