Meeting new people-Clubbin with my boys-4:20-Reese Peanut butter cups-Iced Venti Carmel Frappachino with extra Carmel Syrup-Working at the Nursing home-Rainy Days-Video Games-The Patriots/Red Sox-Concerts-Britney Spears-The Color Blue-Anything Abercrombie- Shopping-Pierceings-Uniquness-Danceing-Promoteing for Axis(if uwanna b on my guest list e-mail me :) - Salt and Vinegar Chips-No Doubt-Pink Hair-Modeling and Photography-Hyper Crazy ass motha for my pics)-Reality Shows-The Simpsons-Family Guy-Paris Hilton-Pizza-Tatoos-Yoshi Foooood-Drag Shows-Traveling-Margret Cho-Trim..spaa-Swimming-Camping-Amusment Parks-Bungee Jumping-Sky Diveing(never done it but i want to)Straight boys-Raves-Chocolate Milk-Halloween-Lisa Lamponely-Pinot Garigio-Haveing sleep overs :)-Gutair Hero-Meeting new people-Horror Movies-Ice skating in the commons-Traveling-
Drag Queens-Transexuals-"Divas"-Club Kids-Promoters-Freaks-Go go Bois-"str8 Bois"-Candy Kids-Shot Bois-Hyper Motha Fuckers-Models-Ghetto Fabulous Thugs-Band Geeks-Photographers-Song Writers-Singers-Hippies-Crossdressers-Music Buffs-Fag Hags-Make up Artist-Abercrombie Bois-Actors-Jocks-The Closested-Suicide Girls-Fashion Extrodinars-Djs-Stoners-Artists-The Commical...************************************************* ******************************************************Lemme brake it down for u , i love meeting new people, its my thing . I have very few requirements for talking to some one . As long as u r a positive person im pretty much willing..I just dont have no time for people who hate life and hate everything bout the world.. Im at the Point in my life where i am very happy and dont need Negativeity..
Britney Spears(i know how gay),My Chemical Romance,Christina,Of course n e thing mixed bi Susan Esthera,FlutterEffect,Nelly Furtado, Madonna of course,GWEN STEPHANI,NO DOUBT(seen them in concert 6 times woot),Ludacris,All American Reject,Panic! at the Disco,Fergie,The Pussycat Dolls,Ciara,John Mayer,
I like pretty much any kind of music.. Im very varied with everything.. Must admit Gwen and No doubt r my Favs n have bee for like 8 years!
You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
Texas Chainsaw Massacure-28 Days Later- PARTY MONSTER-Spun-Go-Findin Nemo-All the Chucky Movies-Freddy-Freddy v.s Jason-House of a Thousand Corpses-House of Wax-Devils Regets-The Forgotten-Hide and Seek-Saw 1 and 2 and 3 ,The Devil Wears Prada,Basketball Diarys,X-Men,13 Ghosts,88 Minutes,Obsession is horror. and comedy is always good. N Romance is good only if your with some one cuddleing!
Makeing the Band-Real World-Project Runway-(Love my Reality T.v)The Roomies( Its a Ghetto Verson of the Real World That i was On-Simpsons-Family Guy--Will and Grace-Sex In the City-DESPERATE HOUSE WIVES,Everybody loves raymond,,American Idol,Deal or No deal,South Park,,True Life...DESPERATE HOUSE WIVES... did i mention that. The Sapranos(Omg i watched the whole series in 2 months..)
My Gramma.. Without a doubt one of the strongest and smartest people i will ever meet in my whole life!!! I was raised by her since i was a baby , can never imagine my life and where id be right now. if i wasnt .. i owe any and all of everything ive done in life to her..