I am a simple woman(not in the mind). I have been a widow since October 2002. I love my family, my large circle of friends, being surrounded by nature, learning new things and being in or on water. I only work 10 months woooo-hooooo, I truly love my summers off!
I enjoy being with my children, 2 at home, 1 married (bonus: beautiful daughter-in-law and granddaughter). I am environmentally conscious and I try to convey that to every child that crosses my path. The reason so many kids don't care about the environment is...they don't know what it is!I like simple meals, conversation, nature and being around water, maybe tooting around on something powered by legs, arms or wind (maybe even current).
I like meeting people, men and women. I love my Unitarian Universalist church community. My religion is sometimes misunderstood. We have no creed and raise our kids to be free thinkers. I really love tall men or should I say I love really tall men. Maybe it's because they can reach everything. I try to live in a way that is not damaging to our environment. I love to listen to music. I like sitting on my deck with a hoppy beer and a book. I love red wine with a good and simple meal. What's even better is sitting around after a meal talking and solving the world's problems. My family and friends are very important to me and take up a good deal of my time, but newcomers are usually welcomed with open arms by all.
Just to be clear, I will not chat or answer email that asks me to write to an account other than a MySpace address, in fact I will pretend I did not receive it and delete it! I only accept friend requests from people that I actually know, but I am happy to communicate with you.
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