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I am here for Friends

About Me

[♥] 19 YrS YoUnG
[♥] A BiT Of a WeiRd OnE!!!
[♥] PrOuD N PaTrIoTiC AUSSIE gUrL aLtHo I LiVeD iN u.S.a fOr 2 YrS
[♥] I hAvE SeEn n dUn WAYYY tO mUcH 4 mA AgE
[♥] 100% RaNdOm/KrAyZeE
[♥] MoStLy aLwAyS HaPpY ExCePt WeN Im sNaP SnAp =]
[♥] SuPeR NiCe uNtIl YooH PiSs mE OfF ThEn MAJOR bIaTch
[if i dun lyk u i wont hide it lyk a shady bitch u will no about it!]
[♥] PeRfEcTiOnIsT & fUsSy!!
[♥] I SpEaK My mInD N ReAlLy D.G.A.F iF U lYk iT Or nOt
[♥] eAsIlY AmUsEd
[♥] CaN Be a dItZy bItCh =P
[♥] CaN B aRgUeMeNtIvE & StUboRn [im always ryt evn wen im wrong]
[♥] cAn bE ReAlLy SeLf-CoNciOuS
[♥] !!!H.A.T.E BiTcHyNeSs,ClOwNs,CrAk-wHoReS & ShIt pHoToS!!!
[♥] TaTs N PeIrCiNgS aRe sUCh a TuRn oN<3
*beauty spot
*4 tats

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I already have the MOST AMAZING ppl in ma lyf but if ur a kool kid then maybe i'd lyk to meet yooh..

Oh Wait I wana meet Travis Pastrana & Chris Angel -YUMMMMY
-teehee ʞnɔɟ i l♥ve u ღMitchyღ babeh

My Blog

how u no ur an aussie

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY > >> >BEING STRAYLYAN > > > >At last, a yardstick by which you can measure an "Australian" For those > >of you who haven’t met an Australian and are ...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 19:37:00 GMT

90's kid =]

- haha dis is sooo true lolAnybody under the age of 13 should not read this, and if you do, you should not repost this.Just because you were born in ’97 doesn’t mean you’re a 90&rsqu...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:17:00 GMT