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Lisa Kikuchi

To see with eyes unclouded by hate.

About Me

Herro! My name is Lisa I'm a cute little Japanese girl now living in Canada. ^_^Interests I'm going to confess that I am a total Final Fantasy VII and X fan girl... and yes I do have a poster of Sephiroth on my wall...oh I am just that cool.... In the past I've researched various eastern European vampire lores... reading Anne Rice novels throughout my adolescence had me a little obsessed about vampires in her her view - with emotions and a conscience I really do hate how they are portrayed in books and films, I get uber emotional about them too... I cried in Bram Stoker's Dracula, ya I know I'm pathetic lol then again I cry in anime films and final fantasy ending cut scenes...I'm a total nerd please excuse me.I'm especially fond of Greek mythology and folk/faerie tales from Europe and Japan although I tend to analyze things way too much these days.. Damn you Bettelheim!I'm also a fan of Freud's psychoanalysis theories.. but I take it with a grain of salt because "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" (although taking psych at uni kind of ruined that for me) I don't like to stress myself even more concerning my mental health considering im studying in the psych program it's already got me quite paranoid as it is.....//looks @ mental disorders and their symptomsMy altering egos Well so sum it up, I like to go out downtown with some friends and unwind @ bars with my partners in crime Alexa and Susie. Everyone thinks were nuts but were really sweet girls once you get to know us during the day :P, for me anyways my personality shifts at school and at home from the secret life of a party girl. Although lately all I've been doing is hermitting inside with my gay counterpart Mike or Mikeru :P watching anime.Religion I feel like I have to explain this since it comes up pretty often. I don't prefer one belief over another.. I like to study religious beliefs as if they were myths and not the "absolute truth" by comparing and understanding each one, I'm trying to get a general overview on it's affects on society for the good and for the worse, I'm not an atheist either I consider myself to be a spiritual person and I do believe in an afterlife along with the process of reincarnation. I just can't wake up one day and pick one religion and say Hello my name is Lisa and I am a Buddhist or a Christian or a "scientologist". I've collected separate beliefs that I've come across from different religions that I've chosen to adopt into my own. I don't preach and I expect the same respect from everyone else, especially at 9 am please don't knock on my door asking if I've accepted Jesus.... my answer is no and it's not going to change next month so stop coming to my house.I have my faults I spend an unhealthy amount of time watching anime or if a new game I like comes out - you won't see or hear from me for days. I become an addict in everything I do that I first find interesting, I become terribly shy at the most important moments, I find it hard to express myself, I can get cocky and think irrationally at times, I lack motivation for most things I should find important, I over analyze things, I usually get my hopes up, I seem to have fallen head over heels for my reli proff...I'm sorry people he is a sexy sensei!I don't even know why I'm writing this... no one uses myspace anymore... I should be writing my biology paper. Dammit I fail at life .....You know I just realized I have no life.. what am I doing?

My Interests

I'm fond of studying ancient civilizations along and their myths/religions/traditions/customs and individual cultures in terms of the rise and the inevitable fall of an empire, starting with the Mesopotamians - I'm a fan of the past, but as soon as it reaches the "modern" period I tend to lose all interest.. I know it annoys me too.psychology, anthropology, theology, mythology, egyptology, vampire legends, Anne Rice novels, apart from that I love an unhealthy amount of gaming, japanese anime, mangas, CGI movies, men in lab coats, My religion of south east asia course..mostly because of my proff... I'm a total dork I admit it I'm a FFVII fan girl...

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Armin Van Buuren, Ferry Corsten, Markus Shultz, Preach, Muse, Our Lady Peace, Snow Patrol, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cranberries, Radiohead, Oasis, Death Cab For Cutie :), Metric, Dashboard Confessional, The Used, MCR, Elliot Smith, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Styx, Marilyn Manson, the list goes on...


Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Magnolia, Vanilla Sky, Lost. In Translation, Requiem For A Dream, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Beauty, Donnie Darko, The Prestige Letters from Iwo Jima, Platoon, Braveheart, Gladiator, 300, 28 Days Later Interview With The Vampire, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Blade, Silence of the Lambs Battle Royal, Snatch, Reservoir Dogs, Natural Born Killers, True Romance, The Bourne Identity, Moulin Rouge!, Everafter, Romeo + Juliet, The Last Kiss, Garden State, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Samurai X - Trust and Betrayal, Howl's Moving Castle, Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust, Princess Mononoke, Bleach: Memories of Nobody, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind,


House, Iron Chef (Japanese Version), CSI: NY, Criminal Minds, Crossing Jordan, Bones


Anne Rice novels are almost all i read - I have all her vampire chronicles, any fantasy/horror book, I love zombie novels - The Rising is my fav, The crimson petal and the white is quite the reading but it was totally worth the 896 pages, The Handmaid's tale, Where the Wild Things Are - a classic, The Gita, Erik Eriksson's Childhood n Society, old folk tales,


my mommy