-=- DaLLaS CoWBoYs -=- WWE (sToNe CoLD sTeVe AuSTiN, BaTisTa) -=- TeXaS HoLD'm PoKeR -=- PooL oNLiNe & oFF
HeY LeTs aLL HaVe BeeR! :)..
Comment here:
-=- CouNTrY MuSiC -=-
-=- NiGhT aT ThE RoXBuRy -=- WaLK ThE LiNe -=- VaRSiTy bLuEs -=- HaRoLD & KuMaR Go To wHiTe CasTLe -=-
-=- aMaZiNg RaCe -=- WWE RaW & sMaCkDoWn -=- CSI, CSI nY, CSI MiaMi -=- NciS -=- DeaL oR No DeaL -=- GiLMoRe GiRLs -=- oNe TrEe HiLL -=- cRiMiNaL MiNDs -=- eR -=- SuPeRNaTuRaL -=- WiNDFaLL -=- CoLd CaSe -=- gHosT wHiSPeReR -=- cLoSe To HoMe -=- NuMBeRs -=-
BaThRooM WaLLs CouNT?
LaRrY ThE CaBLe GuY..
1-WORD_SURVEY (supposedly)
1. whats your name spelt backwards? AHS
2. What did you do last night? watched the tele
3. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? a song
4. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? yes
5. Last time you swam in a pool? a yr ago
6. What are you wearing? t-shirt & shorts
7. How many cars have you owned? 1
8. Type of music you dislike most? Hard Core Metal
9. Are you registered to vote? yes
10. Do you have cable? no
11. What kind of computer do you use? Gateway
12. Ever made a prank phone call? yes
13. You like anyone right now? not that i kno of
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? both
15. Furthest place you ever traveled? GA
16. Do you have a garden? nope
17. What's your favorite comic strip? Peanuts
18. Do you know all the words to the national anthem? no
19. Shower, morning or night? morning
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? Beerfest
21. Favorite pizza toppings? just cheese
22. Chips or popcorn? chips
23. What cell phone provider do you have? T-Mobile
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? no
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? no
26. Orange Juice or apple? Orange juice
27. Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? my sister
28. favorite chocolate bar? Almond Joy
29. Who is your longest friend and how long? Dre - 9 yrs
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? dunno
31. Have you ever won a trophy? yes
32. Favorite artist? music - Terri Clark
33. Favorite computer game? UltimateBet.com - Texas Hold..'em
34. Ever ordered from an infomercial? no
35. Sprite or 7-UP? Sprite
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? no
37. Last thing you bought at Walgreens? Cough drops
38. Ever thrown up in public? no
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? Love but the bills gotta be paid
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
41. Can exes just be friends? yes
42. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Sassy
43. Did you have long hair as a young kid? yes
44. What message is on your voicemail machine? Default message
45. Where would you like to go right now? Vegas
46. What was the name of your first pet? Tony
47. What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? Hilfiger - books from school
48. Last incoming/outgoing call on your phone? Aunt Nancy/Jen
49. What is one thing you are grateful for today? that it is Saturday
50. What do you think about most? Bills
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