what i have
God, photography, friends, family, art in general, volleyball, music, and other uninteresting things
someone whos as crazy about me as i am about them. i want a GOOD boy who LOVES God. i don't really need to get in to detail of what i want cuz either way i'll be happy. a Petre' person, my person is all. waiting...
favband: mae/anberlin christian band: mae/anberlin acoustic bad: dashboard confessional female artist: kt tunstall male artist: john mayer(fornow) song: heal over by kt tunstall worship song: suffient for me by scott cunningham
The Sound of Music, A Walk to Remember, Extreme Days, City of Angels, The Lion King, Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, Minority Report, The Lord of Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring, Serendipity, The Wizard of Oz, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Wedding Singer, Accepted, The Lion King, Edward Scissor Hands so much, not another teen movie, across the universe, donnie darko, IN HER SHOES! more
degrassi, House, america's next top model, CSI: New York, HEROS, law and order
the Bible of course
God, my family, my friends, and these guys right here... kaleb taber: this guy is my best friend in the world. hes been my friend for about 2 years now and i couldn't ask for a better one. hes has a wonderful heart i know. most people have a hard time understanding him at times but i can read him like a book his mind is beautiful. hes always been there for me and iv always been there for him. theres alot more i could say but it'll take up the whole boxPrissy: the first weekend i ever hung out with her we were unseperable ever since. SHES AN AMAZING BLESSSING TO ME! literally a gift from God. she came to me when i need a friend the most. i can never ever get tired of this girl. she keeps me going sometimes. shes the funniest girl iv ever encountered and the most caring and loving. her love for christ keeps my faith going alot of times to. we hold eachother acountable. gosh i even talk like her now. shes my best friend scrat: hes another one of my best friends. hes one of the funniest guys iv ever met and theres NEVER a time where we don't have fun. we were bascially neighbors for a long time so anytime i needed some company or i was sad he'd always have me over and make me smile again. hes getting to be a young man now with more responsibilities so i don't get to see him as often but he'll always be my scratty. i don't think he'll ever know how much i care about him.