Well there isn't much to really say about me that is not known by those that matter in my life. I'm and EMT in Kingston,NJ. I am currently training to become a paramedic. I am also a Firefighter. The Only other thing that i think really matters about me is my friends. I like to think of the people that i know as a family, one great big psycotically dysfunctional family. And I, the Godfather, kindof seem to sit at the head of it. and thats why i am called Don Gorman'. Anyways if you want to know more about me or just feel like talkin hit me up on AIM @ SSJCrusaderx
How to make a crusader x
3 parts southern comfort
3 parts anger
1 part insanity
mix together in a shot glass and serve with a hand grenade and an irish car bomb
Personality cocktail
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