MSL Bass & Sound profile picture

MSL Bass & Sound

About Me

Thanks for stopping by my page. I created this profile, initially, as a music resource. I maintain this profile for listing various projects, performance, recordings, and generally to immerse myself in music that otherwise would never be heard of. I have been possessed, obsessed and controlled by music for as long as I can remember. I dig music that no one else usually does. I do enjoy some commercial type bands, but for the most part, my tastes lie where no one else’s do. I play bass primarily. I do write some things with guitar, but I don’t play it very often. Bass is clearly an obsession to me. To the point that I don’t hear words or singing in most songs (there are some exceptions) I dig all the gear manufacturers and Luthiers that are on Myspace. I have found this as an amazing resource for all facets of music, both performing and listening. However it has also been a useful tool in networking, and quickly updated friends on vacations, gigs –parties, whatever is going on in all of our friends’ lives. My family is fantastic. My wife is the most patient, and supportive partner I could have ever hoped for. It takes a special person to be able to put up with me. I wouldn’t say I’m a “work-a holic” but I really like to be busy. And on the opposite side of the coin, when I relax I do nothing at all. With me it’s all or nothing. I’ve worked in the Wood testing industry for 11 years now, and still (somewhat) enjoy my job. I hunt and fish as much as possible. Lately it has fallen by the wayside a tad, but I am hopeful that I will do more of both this year. We are in the process of (finally) building a new house in Little fall creek. I should have some pics up once we break ground. I am at my happiest surrounded by BBQ’s and a cooler of brew. I thoroughly enjoy cooking. Whether it’s for my family, or a party of 60 – I’ve always loved the job. My kids are great. Not much can be expected of teenagers, but they are exceptional and far surpass myself at their age (with the exception of work, that is) They will do great in life, and I’m happy everyday I get to spend with them. Time is flying, and they grow by the minute, so I do appreciate all the things that make them different, and unique in their own right. I will reaaaallly miss them when they leave the nest....who says they have to leave, anyway? Hahahaa, not me.Of all the things I enjoy doing, playing music is always at the top (family not included -- hobbies). I love hunting and fishing, doing big construction projects, or even little ones. I rarely have time between all my hobbies and my family, but I go kinda nuts when I have too much down time. I also have a tendency to start 20 different things at once, never finishing the first one. I AM working on that!! I have a circle of friends that are real close to me, and keep adding new (er) ones all the time. I am genuinely appreciative of all I have, and have pretty much everything I need.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/10/2006
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Richard Samuel Project (2004-Present)

   Upon purchasing my new Basson Cab in '04, I had experimented with many different power amps to run it.  needing a 1500 watt minimum, the cab had needs that most amps cannot give.&nbs...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:00:00 GMT

GO 2 11--Sept. '06 - Present

The band Go 2 11 is comprised of three members. Dan Robbins (guitar, vocals) Jeremy Stafford (drums, vocals) and Mike LeRoy (bass, vocals). Go 2 11 loves to play high energy rock and roll and gets the...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:56:00 GMT

Rock steady '99-current

    I started playing in this cover band, I beleive back in '99.  At the time I was involved in a few different projects, but was able to fit this band into my schedule. ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 06:35:00 GMT

Jeff & Matt's studio project.

I've known Jeff for about 13 or more years.  He and I have been in numerous projects together, and I highly regard him as a musician and a friend.  He and Matt both play lead / rhythm guitar...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:59:00 GMT

Javelina ('05-'06)

I joined Javelina in November of '05.  This band consisted of Guy (guitar), Wilson (guitar), Micaela (Drums), Uriah (vocals).  Shortly after joining the band, I was anxious to get out and pl...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 04:10:00 GMT

Tom Waters Band ('97-'01)

Well, the Tom Water's Band was a stretch for me.  I have to admit, going from an original heavy metal band to a 9-peice blues band was like doing 120 mph --  then throwing it in reverse!!&nb...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:11:00 GMT


Bitterend was formed in '01, I believe, with Kevin and Craig Brandt and Joey Jenkins.  My friend Brandon had been telling me forever about these guys needing a bass player, so I finally went over...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:03:00 GMT

Corpus Sin '93-'97

Corpus Sin was originated from members formerly known as "Frozen Bones", back in the early '90's.  I joined this band in approximately '93.  After being auditioned, all in the band actually ...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:42:00 GMT