PiMp tOm profile picture

PiMp tOm

About Me

The Tom Myspace Quiz!
Are you a Tom? hElLz yEa
If so what is your Tom name? PiMp tOm
What is your favorite tom other than yourself? lOl mAbY I CaNt bEiLvE ItZ N0T ToM
How long has your page been around? i DuNnO
Do you only add Toms? MoStLy bUt i Ad EvErY1
Do you hate any other Toms? ThE OtHeR PiMmp tOM (ImPOsTeR)
Are you addicted to getting new freinds? uHhhH No
Do you post a lot of bulletins? nO
What do you think about mochachinos? ..... dot dot dot ...
Are you on Myspace every moment you get? FuK YEeA SoN
What is the purpose of your page? To GeT AdDed By as mAnY ToMs aS u cAn
Have you started any Tom Clubs? N0
Have you joined any Tom Clubs? n0
Have you made a "Thanks for the add" picture? yEaAa
Have you ever whored anybody? MY NAME IS PIMP TOM!!!
Have you ever been whored? read above
Have you ever started any type of club? nO
Have you ever joined any type of club? NoO
Do you think tom is hardcore emo? No hEs tHe fRonT RUnNeR FOr PiMp tOm (yeS Im nUmBa 1)
Do you think Myspace is for fags? WeLl IM oN MySpAcE So Of cOUrSe nOt