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I am here for Networking

About Me

Everytime I reflect on my life, I get overwhelmed by the good fortunes that I've been blessed with to-date. From the people I've encountered, the places I've been and yet to visit as well as life's other experiences...It has been truly remarkable!!!!When I'm not busy working, I'm mostly on some other dumb sh$t. So like most people, I enjoy traveling, socializing, reading and keeping abreast of my social-economic environment. Whilst I believe in being educated, I think that continuos personal development is even more pertinent.Recently, I have started to discover the importance of charitable work for the common good. In my humble opinion, when you are on your death bed, your bank account or other material items won't matter but how many lives you have positively impacted. I continue to appreciate the philantrophical work of the likes of Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Oprah Winfery, Bill Clinton, Jay-Z amongst others. I can only hope to emulate these outstanding folks someday.If it's true that 30 is da new 20, then I'm almost 30 which means that I'm still in my teens...Get It?Get with it or getmoved...Create or get your
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