Ballerinas, toys, writing, photography, painting, sketching, sneakers, insects, dinosaurs, cassettes,
I watch this at least 3 times every day.
built to spill, mstrkrft, bonnie prince billy, drawing trees, tokio weigh station, tiger saw, flee the century, barr, why?, the islands, beasty boys,magnolia electic company, lp&bb, the awesome miami,idea bear, ship to shore,etc.
surf ninjas.
, marty stouffer's wild america, bob ross, . nova. national geographic,cosby, Nature, jack horthymers star hustler- star gazer,planet earth
Angela's ashes, a brave new world, who cut the cheese, a clockwork orange, tis', the history of shit, vices guide to sex drugs and rock and roll, Found, ray in reverse, ee cummings, the catcher in the rye, frannie and zoey, midlesex, the life of pie, the kite runner, Vice do's and don'ts, david choe's books, "found", the art of rebelion, you shall know our velocity. bukowski, saul williams ect.ham on rhy, love is a dog from hell. the facts behind the helsinki roccamatios, god have you ever gone hungery?, mammals, water for elephants,running with scisors, blanket, tipping point, evasion,