Walley of "Wheres Walley" fame, Giddy Goanna, My Aunt Flow who visits my mum once a month, Tom Cruise' Sanity (missing since 1995), That chick from that thing, A Non-dangerous person with a first name for a second name (E.G. Johnothan James), Antonio Banderas' Hair gel, A Clogged Colan, The Fat Guy from "Lost", My Appendix (we're separated), Elton John's hetrosexuality, A digital watch, The midgit actors from "march of the penguins", The American stereotype, A suicide bomber (what stories he could tell), A recovering chocoholic, A blade of grass, A cult leader, Codename 47, A boy named Sue, A man named horse, Rob Shneiders faded talent, A model who eats carbs, A piano-key neck tie, A dead cow A.K.A Meryl Streep, O'Doyle (As in "O'Doyle rules!), Mr. Kite, Maxwell's silver hamer, whoever took the time to read through all this crap (thankyou).
Top 5: 1- Amadeus 2- Pulp Fiction 3- Taxi Driver 4- Goodfellas 5- Donnie Darko MyGen Profile Generator N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K N I C K Myspace Online Now Icons MyGen Profile Generator