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Ruben Santos

About Me

RUBEN SANTOS is a portuguese musician who started playing the guitar when he was around 10 years old. He learned by himself, having as his only help a guitar chord book his father gave him.

For years he played mainly covers, with Pearl Jam and Dave Matthews Band as his most played bands... When Jack Johnson appeared with his very simple but always soundable music, Ruben felt the time had come! With the help of his good friend Joel Barbosa, he went on his own and tried something new: write his own songs!

From that point appeared his first record WAITING ON A SUNNY DAY - available on iTUNES - which walks through lots of different musical genres just like Grunge, Rock, Pop, Blues and Country, showing us Ruben's great versatility and ability, without loosing his high standards.

The heat is on... Stay tuned.

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Musico, artista, "entertainer" portuense, nasce para a sua propria criacao musical em 2006, percorrendo um vasto leque de generos musicais influenciados pelo universo das sonoridades rock, tendo como ponto comum e indissociavel a forte tendencia 'blues'...

Com um album editado - WAITING ON A SUNNY DAY - e comercializado nas mais importantes lojas virtuais de musica digital - iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Emusic e Amazon.Mp3 - tenta demonstrar a sua capacidade musical atrevendo-se a expressar todas as suas emocoes atraves da sua musica.

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My Interests


Member Since: 10/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Ruben Santos
Influences: Jack Johnson / Dave Matthews Band / Pearl JamSOUL MATE by Ruben Santos
BAD LIFE by Ruben Santos

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Ruben Santos

My Blog


My debut album WAITING ON A SUNNY DAY already available on iTUNES, Amazon, Rhapsody, Naptser and eMusic!!! Check out all the information @ 
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 14:35:00 GMT