Nuff said already!But....there is more! Graff IS art...not vandalism... Tattoos kick ass...breakdancing rules!!!
Anyone who hasn't got shit for brains
Hip Hop,R'n'B mainly...but some house and trance...gta b in the mood though.Hed Kandi,Dirty Vegas, Prodigy, Groove Armada,Lenny Kravitz,Stereophonics,Chilli Peppers-aaaaall rock my boat...umm there are more...just cant think of any rite now.Amy Winehouse rocks. JT's new album is shit hot...But Busta is in fact the greatest.Robin Thike'S aLBUM IS THE BO***CKS!
The Horse Whisperer, Black Beauty, Rain Man, Oceans Eleven/Twelve, Reservoir Dogs, American Histry X, Crash, Charlie...Apocalypto(A-MA-ZING)helllooo Rudy Youngblood!Damn.
Prison Break all the way...Wentworth Miller...yes please!
Monte Roberts