Mister Fixxit .:<(•)>:. profile picture

Mister Fixxit .:&lt;(•)&gt;:.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'd Love to Like you both ways, so go to the Saphin link (below) and do a friend request there too! This way you get 2 for the price of One.

My Interests

It's easier to say what i'm not interested in: Whining-complaining "emo" singers who sound like cartoon characters, and their faux-emotion pseudo-angst trend chasing sound-alike bands. Sound like what? Like all the others of course. Got a problem with that? Then you're most likely one of the people I'm talking about. Got a problem with that? Well at least now you have a new "issue" to emote/complain about. Don't say I never did anything for you. Am I angry? Nah, just fed up with the mediocre mass marketing of focus group fodder, so I'm gonna to change the world for you.

I'd like to meet:


1_More Saphin Phans.

2_People in the "music bizz" who aren't trying to find "the next" anything.

3_More Saphin Phans.


It's what I Do.


I Love being in them.


I Love being on it.


Only 'till I have a new booker, then I "books" no more.


Is that all he does?