I hate everything, rain sux, friends suck, rent sux, work sux, you suck
i don't need to meet any one, I'm better than everyone already. Ha
i'm a gangsta, nigga move... I still hate country
You gotta be down with the saints, Boondock Saints, Desert Saints, And the Saint, Snatch, Replacement Killers, Animal Factory, American History X, And the best tom hanks film ever Road to Perdition it's a must see for tough guys and gals... Pretty much anything funny or something that has random ppl being gunned down is good for me...
The Family Guy yall, You know right now that the family guy is the number one late night tv show, thats bigger than david letterman and jay leno both, how fuckin cool is that... Futurama, the simpsons, this just in and southpark, and MXC the only cool show that isn't a cartoon, every once in a while the is something else on worth watching but not very often...
I don't read a hole lot of books I'm generally not in one place long enough to get interested in one, how ever I like magazine cuz they have pictures... I like the jack rags too... Fox and club are the best, but you gotta get the tattoo mags too
The guy who's not afraid to walk up to you and shoot you in the face for what he believes...