I ran Cross Country in the fall which was awesomw...The XC team owns and i wish that i could go back next year and do it all over again because senior year went by way to fast....I run track in the spring which is much less my sport than XC...but its not too bad...I work at the Jewel as well as hang out with Aaron Pogue, Sara Miner and all my other friends as often as possible... Some weekends i spend in St Louis with Paige just hangin out and catchin up on life lol...and i think that covers it....
My Grandpa (Mom's dad died before they were married), Zach Braff..Steve Carell...and the Chicago Cubs
Houston Calls, Fall out Boy, Cartel, Starting Line, Anberlin, Green Day, Harder to Fall, Allister, Something Corporate, Jimmy Eat World, Blink, The Postal Service, Snow Patrol, Story of The Year,Valencia,less than jake, All American Rejects, Offspring, The Used, Waking Ashland, coheed and Cambria, Panic at the Disco,Junior Varsity, Deathcab for Cutie
Wedding Crashers, Garden State, American Pie, scary movie 3, Saw and Saw II The Big Lebowski, Super Troopers,
The OFFICE, 24, seinfeld, friends
Currently workin on the Da Vinci Code...not much time to make progressin it though..
Definetly my Friends and Family...they are always there when i need them and i hope i can do for them in life what they have done for me...