Karkabos profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Name: Karkabos.
Birthplace: Ampelogarden.
Eye color: NesGkaife...
Hair color: Mia apo ta idia.
Height: Sinithos 2.30, eniote 1,20.
Left or Right Handed: Right handed & eniote amfixeiras.
Food: Mousakas (the best!)
Colours: Black, Blue, Purple.
Number: 1.101.101,10
Letter: B & K.
Type of Weather: Xeimoniatikh liakada (apo ekeines poy foras palto kai o hlios isa poy zestainei to prosopo soo).
Sport: Xouzourema.
TV ad: H parodia toy Calgon!
Drink: Ice cold Water.
Alcoholic Drink: Cuba Libre with Havana Nero to kalokairi & Metaxa-Cola ton xeimona.
Chocolate Bar: Ion Amygdaloy( den to syzhto etsi? mhn peis tipota!)
Gum: Mentos.
Bedtime: Any time.
Most Missed Memory: Floating hand by hand naked with her.
Weakness: Your fears.
Fears: My weakness (...weak as I am).
First Thought Waking Up: Different day - Same shit.
Goal For This Year: Nobody can stop the (r)evolution of me, not even death.
Most Overused Phrase on an instant messenger: fuck yeah
Perfect Pizza: Napolitana vera.
[This or That...]
Orange or Apple juice: Both simultaenously.
Dog or Cat: Dog vevaia! (oust psorogato!)
Pepsi or Coke: Kliafa Cola.
Maccas or Burger King: Greek traditional Soyblaki (no onions, an den fas k sy.
Scary Movie or Funny Movies: Thrillers.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocoholic (ferte mou tis insoulines tora!).
Truth or Dare: Both simultaenously.
Live Forever or Die Young: Koympi or not koympi?
PS2 or Xbox 360: Poios paizei videogames? (protimo na apokto ego dika moo skills para o xarakthras moo sto LineAge...)
Snakes or Spiders: Both (yammy!!!)
Gold or Silver: Silver - antivampiriko.
[Have You Ever...]
Drunk: About times approximately.
Smoked: Do I Breathe?
Done drugs: "Don't take drugs, there's not enough for everyone."
Been beaten up: Yes. (violence is not a solution!)
Done the beating up: Yes. (try to talk things over!)
Shoplifted: Only if peripteras is a moth**fukc**.
Cut your own hair: Once.
Burnt stuff caus you were bored: Yes. (& because i didn't want to remember certain things no more).
Danced in the rain: Of course yes! It's great fun!
Had a long distance relationship: Unfortunately yes (don't try it, will never work).
Eaten something off the ground, ignoring the 10 second rule: Yes! (there aren't enough germs to overide my immune system... hehe!)
Skinny Dipped: Of course!
Broken a bone: No, fortunately.
Been in an Accident: Yes, twice (so i consider myself to be totally deathproof now leme!)
Been in Love: Was Once Unhelpessly in Love me thn makaritissa.
[Do You...]
Shower Daily: Yes.
Sing in the Shower: Always. (whether I'm happy or sad).
Sing Well: Se opoion aresoyme gia toys alloys den tha mporesoyme omos.
Brizeis: A most frequent action.
Believe in Yourself: Is there anything more sure?
Want to Get Married: No. (with the traditional greek sense).
Want to Have Kids: Bring kids in this world? why? plz tell me a good reason...
Get Along With Your Parents: As much as possible.
Like Thunderstorms: Very much.
Play an Instrument: Some guitar & some fysarmonika (mhn fantasteis k polla omos)
Speak a Foreign Language: English (obviously) & some Italian.
Sleep with Stuffed Animals: Not anymore.
Keep a Diary/Journal: No. I write various stuff instead.
[In a Girl...]
Favourite Eye Colour: Don't mind.
Favourite Hair Colour: brunette.
Long or Short: Don't mind.
Height: Not too short.
Weight: Not too fat.
Clothing Style: Until everybody's nudity.
Smoking and/or Alcohol: Both.
Love or Money: Love. (Money don't bring happiness. K na mhn akoyso kammia m@l@ki@ ep aytoy, ok?)
What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done: trust unworthy persons.
Who Would You Want to be Stuck in an Elevator With: "She's the one for me. She's all I really need."
Is Your Window Open: Always for superwoman to fly in.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"If there is a God I know she likes to rock."View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

fragments of The "Alien Girls" series

Touch the Alien Girl & then visit The Enchanted Gallery for more!

1.this is nothing but business. -"This is nothing but business", she said to me with her most explanatory look on her face while her breast was scenting a garlic odor. I tried to understand the meaning of this, while she kept staring at me. For a tiny second I thought that this stare has taken far more space on her face than usual, to the state of covering it entirely. It was quite awkward as she was so comfortable in her own nakedness that I started feeling a bit embarrassed, because I couldn’t stop staring back at her. I think she was using that in order to make her point more understandable.
Now a cockroach crawls upon her shoulder but she stays completely still. Can one loathe its one kind? I wondered by myself. Can someone be so beautiful that even a hideous bug can show as jewelry on her?

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License .

Visit my place ~.The Enchanted Gallery.~ (.dreams of glass intoxicated.)

(if the external link won't work copy and paste it to the address bar in your browser to check more of my stuff. thanx & enjoy!)

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My Blog


karkabos.blogspot.comThank you and hope you enjoy.Peace out.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Posted by on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:48:00 GMT