Er does that mean like hobbies n shit? Well i'm not gonna lie and say my hobbies are all really "outdoor" and exciting, basically my only "hobby" is going out, drinking, dancing and generally making a fool of myself!
Interesting guys n gals, losers need not apply! P.S Guys this aint the lonely hearts so please stop sending me 'would like to meets'! :)Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
I am a total 80's fiend! My neighbours must think im in a time warp - Blondie, The Bangles, Duran Duran and mostly old school Madonna (at her best back then i think)LyricsI also like Funky House, Electro, Drum n Bass, RnB and Hip Hop.madonna mix
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80's bratpack and girly cheese - The Breakfast Club, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Rita, Sue and Bob Too (quality!) Got to be in the mood for action and stuff like that (an ex boyfriend of mine liked kung fu films, er yeah really entertaining!). My fave films of all time are Grease and Dirty Dancing! When i was younger me and my sisters and cousins would watch them and then recreate the dances!
I am a bit sad and have to admit i like reality tv, every year i say i'm not gonna watch Big Brother but i end up getting addicted! I totally bum 24 (Jack Bauer is god!) and Lost (Jack or Sawyer,ladies? How about both?!)
I dont do much reading to be honest but i recently jumped on "The Da Vinci Code" bandwagon, the book is sooo much better than the film (now i understand what people mean when they say that, all you Harry Potter freaks out there!). I've also read his other one "Angels and Demons" which is far better than the da vinci code, i hope they make a film.
Jack Bauer, obviously (is there nothing that man cant do - he saves the world and looks hot doing it!)That new guy who played Superman in the recent film (i heard they had to digitally erm un-enhance him as he was too big, d'ya know what im saying girls, too big is never a bad thing!) he can rescue me anytime. No seriously i idolise Madonna ( i want to be her, am still waiting for really bad 80's hair to be fashionable again coz i'm the only one rocking it at the moment!). My mum is also a big inspiration to me as she raised 4 kids on her own.